Many nonfiction writers want to create change. They want to positively and meaningfully impact the lives of those who read their books. Or they want to inspire others to take up their cause for organizational or world change. But they can’t do it.
Why? They don’t write and publish their books.
Maybe you can relate.
You have the idea for a book. It corresponds with your mission, cause, or purpose. And maybe you even started writing it.
But you haven’t finished the book or published it. Therefore, no one has read the book, which means you haven’t had the impact you desire.
And you won’t…not until you write and publish the book.
To Author Change You Have to Author a Book
Numerous things probably stop you from writing your book. Maybe you are:
- Too tired
- Too busy
- Too overextended
- Too overwhelmed
I get it. Life gets in the way.
It’s not like I always finish what I start either. I’ve got a bunch of books started and not completed and a proposal that is almost-but-not-quite ready to send to my agent (which means I haven’t written the sample chapters yet). I get busy with other things, too—like client work, book editing, promotion, and even things like my exercise routine, spending time with my kids, and traveling.
I get it. I do.
But at some point, you have to finish what you start if you want to become an author of change. You have to do what it takes and transform yourself (not just your readers); you have to change into someone who writes regularly and produces publishable and published work.
I get this, too. That’s why I have 20 books to my name and keep up with three blogs regularly. I know how to complete a book project.
10 Tactics to Help You Finish Writing Your Transformational Book
So, how do you do that? How do you write your book and change the world one reader at a time?
Here are ten tactics to help you start and finish writing your transformational book:
- Schedule your writing time. Put writing on your calendar as if it’s a doctor’s appointment. Block out a period of time for this activity. Show up on time. Don’t cancel the appointment.
- Make writing time non-negotiable. Your block of writing time should be something you never compromise on. That said, you might need to move it around in your day when “life happens.” But it should stay on the calendar.
- Know what you will write during your writing block. Don’t sit down to write. Sit down to write something specific. For example, your calendar might say: Write the first three sections of Chapter 3, which are about “X,” “Y,” and “Z.”
- Turn off all distractions while you write. Shut down the internet. Put a “Do-Not-Disturb” sign on your office door. Unplug or turn off your phone.
- Only write. When you are supposed to be writing, don’t edit, revise, research, or conduct interviews. Writing time is just that—writing time.
- Plan your book. Do not write by the seat of your pants. Have a detailed outline or a table of contents and chapter summaries. You should know what content you need to produce to write your book. No guessing allowed. Don’t start writing until you have this plan.
- Write fast. You can’t dawdle if you want to finish your manuscript promptly. Set a timer for 30 or 60 minutes; then write as fast as you can.
- Have a word count goal for each writing session. Know how many words you need to write per day or week to complete your book. Don’t get up from your desk until you meet your word count goal.
- Set a deadline. Know by when you want to hold a published book in your hands. If you plan to self-publish, set a deadline for the completed manuscript, the editing process, and the published book. If you plan to traditionally publish, set a deadline to complete your book proposal and the sample chapters.
- Come to the desk ready to write. Don’t show up tired, hungry, needing to pee, in a bad mood, or in any other state that will prevent you from writing effectively and productively. Before you sit down at the computer, eat some protein, drink a large glass of water, and breathe deeply so your body and brain can function properly. Get a good night’s sleep, or, if you don’t, take a power nap or meditate. Move your body. And smile! This is supposed to be fun as well as your passion and purpose.
Challenge Yourself to Become an Author of Change
Still need some help getting your change-inspiring book written? Challenge yourself.
Challenges raise your aspiration level. You will want to rise to the challenge.
If that’s not enough, get a writing buddy to join the challenge. An accountability partner provides a sure-fire way to keep you motivated and on track to finish writing your book. In fact, challenge someone to write their book, and then join them for the challenge.
If you don’t think a personal challenge will work for you and you have not writing buddies, check out the Write Your Transformational Book Challenge. Join a group of writers determined to write their change-inspiring books in just three months.
Use whatever means possible to write your book and publish it. That’s the only way you’ll author change.
Do you have writing tactics that work for you? Share them in a comment below.

Photo courtesy of Ian Grainger /