Nonfiction Writers' University
The Nonfiction Writers' University provides a live interview with a mind-body-spirit, transformational or spiritual nonfiction author and a group Author Coaching session with Nina Amir every single month. Additionally, members gain access to an archive of seven year's worth of educational events, assignments, challenges—the entire back catalog of NFWU content—and a wide array of Nina's smaller courses and eBooks for a low monthly fee. Plus, members have access to a private Facebook group. If you have wanted to hire Nina as your Author Coach, this is the most inexpensive way to do so while also gaining access to an enormous resource to help you get from book idea to published author.
Inspired Creator Community
This ongoing personal and spiritual growth program will help you eliminate your inner obstacles and tap into your powerful ability to create. If you feel called to show up big, contribute meaningfully, or make a difference as a writer, but you feel stuck, this program is for you. Learn how to change from the inside out and develop the habits and mindsets that allow you to achieve your potential, fulfill your purpose, and live a life that feeds your soul.
(If you are looking for the Nonfiction Writers' University Masters program, it has been integrated into the Inspired Creator Community.)
Write a Book that Makes a Difference
Do you want to write a book that inspires the change you want to see in the world? The world desperately needs authors of change. As an change agent, you can inspire transformation in many ways. As a writer, you can make a tremendously powerful, positive and meaningful difference in the world with your words. It's time to become an author of change and share your message.
The Write Your Transformational Book Challenge
A 3-month coaching program to help you write your change-inspiring book. Only a few aspiring authors—just 10—will take the challenge and write their manuscripts between August 9 and October 25, 2017. Will you be one of them? Are you ready finally to write your book and make a difference? The Write Your Transformational Book Challenge is a unique program. It's based on high-performance research that shows that challenges help you level up and move closer to becoming your best self—as a person and a writer.
High-Performance Writer Home Study Program
This home-study course will kickstart your writing and keep you motivated. However, it won't take much of your time away from your writing. I'll help you stay on the path to finishing your project and help you learn the high-performance habits and mindset of successful authors, the same ones you need to complete your project, meet your deadline, or write a book in a month. The tips and tools you learn will ensure you become a high-performance writer, one who produces content at will and on schedule.
How To Blog A Book Audio Course
Everything you need to get started blogging your book today! Chock full of information about why you should blog a book and how to blog a book. You'll learn why you should consider blogging a book, how you choose a topic for your blogged book, and how to create a business plan for your blogged book.
How To Blog A Book e-Course
Blogging a book provides one of the fastest and easiest ways to write a book today. In just months you can have a complete manuscript ready for editing and design if you are diligent about writing and publishing your posts. Plus, in the process, you build author platform and possible attract an agent or a publisher. Everything you need to start blogging a book fast!
How To Blog A Book Recording
A 60-Minute Teleseminar where you'll learn how to blog a book quickly and easily, who can blog a book, why to blog a book, how to evaluate if your book idea should be blogged, and how to begin blogging a book.
How To Build A Business Around Your Blog
In How to Build a Business Around Your Blog you will learn the basics of how to create a business plan that includes a variety of information products, like books, courses, consulting and coaching, and webinars and teleseminars that will help you begin making money from your blog even if it has a smaller readership.
How To Turn Your Blog Into a Book Production Machine
Learn to churn out book after book on your blog. And your platform (your subscribers and unique visitors) will help you produce books that become bestsellers. You can “book” your blog content, or re-purpose your previously published content into a book manuscript, and then publish it. Or blog a book. Write, publish and promote it by intentionally composing the manuscript post by post and publishing it on your blog.
How To Write A Short Book Fast
Have you been thinking about writing a short book? Do you want to write a series of short books? Or do you want to write a book in a month? During this mini course, you will receive all the information you need to understand why now is the best time to write short books and to decide what structure best suits your needs, genre and topic.
Mind Mapping for Authors
In this course you will learn how to get ideas out of your head so you can see them clearly. Access heightened levels of creativity, ideation and inspiration with this effective, fun and easy way to brainstorm and organize all your writing projects (and more).
The Easy-Schmeasy Nonfiction Book Proposal Template
The Easy-Schmeasy Book Proposal Template is a Microsoft Word document that not only explains what to put where but, in most cases, offers you examples of how your document should look and read. You’ll find examples to follow and comments in the margins (provided using MS Word’s Track Changes function) to help you understand what to do in each section. To make the template you own, simply add your own content after you delete the cover and the explanations/suggestions.
The Productive Writer
The Productive Writer Course has one goal: to support you on your journey to becoming a consistent and productive writer. The program includes Nina's best writing strategies, which were created from her experience as a journalist, blogger, and author as well as a Certified High Performance Coach. Transform yourself into a consistently productive writer!
Write Nonfiction In November (WNFIN) Summit
If you struggle to write consistently and effectively, it’s time to learn from the highest-performing writers. Gain access to nine recorded sessions with successfully published authors who are also Certified High Performance Coaches. Each session provides their best tips and strategies for writing a book fast. Discover how to focus, follow through, be uber productive, avoid distractions, and write boldly and enthusiastically NO MATTER WHAT, so you consistently start and finish your book manuscripts.