There’s a high likelihood you missed opportunities to get your work, expertise and name in front of more people—or even left some money on the table—over the past eleven months. You may think you’ve done all you can this year in the amount of time you had, but it’s possible for you to do more. If you learn to look at what you produced with an eye for recycling or reusing it, also known as repurposing, you can produce more work each year, get that work in front of more eyes (and new audiences) and increase your income.
Often you can spin off one article into two or three more pieces for other publications. You can turn your book (or books) into numerous articles and blog posts, as well as interviews. And your blog posts can become guest posts, press releases, articles, or podcasts. Reverse the process, and turn your podcasts, webinars, teleseminars and Google Hangouts on Air into blog posts and articles—or even e-books.
How to Repurpose Your Work
Take a look at your most popular blog posts, your favorite articles and your books. Breathe new life into that old content and continue to gain value from it in the form of income and promotion—and let your readers gain benefit as well. Do this by re-angling previously written work and getting it in the hands of new readers.
If you are unsure of how to repurpose your work, here is a list of 20 ways to do so. It should spark some ideas.
You can create:
- A new blog post or article.
- A podcast episode or series.
- A webinar (possibly out of a series of posts or short articles).
- A teleseminar (possibly out of a series of posts or short articles).
- A Google Hangout on Air (possibly out of a series of posts or short articles).
- A course or program (possibly out of a series of posts or short articles).
- A PowerPoint or Keynote presentation.
- An email autoresponder series.
- A talk or speech.
- An e-book.
- An infographic.
- A guest post or posts.
- A new article reangled for a different market.
- A new article with one particular point fleshed out.
- An updated or refreshed post (with corrected or additional new information, a new photo or headline, etc.)
- An answer to a question on a site like Quora.
- A video or a video series.
- A special report.
- A free e-book or white paper to attract subscribers to your mailing list.
- Some other type of product or service.
Once you’ve incorporated the idea of repurposing content into your regular activities, you’ll make more money and gain additional visibility regularly.
Give repurposing a try! See how many pieces of work you can recycle for profit and promotion before the end of the year.
Photo courtesy of OutStyle |
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