Are you ready to take this year’s WNFIN challenge? If not, there’s still time to prepare…28 days to be exact.
That’s enough time to create an outline, do a mind map, write a synopsis, collect your research, and clear off your desk. It’s enough time to click on the link on the top or the right side of this page and sign-in as a 2011 WNFIN participant and leave a comment telling me and the world what you plan on writing during November. Make us your accountability partners. Tell us about our nonfiction project and commit to starting and finishing it in 30 days.
Whoo hoo! A challenge is so much fun…if you take it. A deadline is a writer’s best friend, if you see it as an opportunity to get a project accomplished or to achieve a writing goal.
So, come on…take the WNFIN challenge. Complete a work of nonfiction in 30 days. I know you can do it (and so do you). See you hear on Nov. 1.