Today I am sitting in a coffee shop as my computer restores the last few hour’s worth of backed up files onto my computer, which crashed last week. As it does so, I’m feeling grateful, especially since I thought this process might take another whole week. (I have a very slow satellite internet connection that only allows me so much downloading per month, thus I’ve had to seek out internet connection elsewhere.) It has actually has only taken me four days. However, I’ve also been feeling supremely grateful for a few other things — things I feel every writer needs to succeed.
- A good computer back-up system. If you are on a pc, check out the on-line systems available. Mine was a life saver. Everything was backed up. If you have a mac, you might have to use another type of back up system, I’m not sure. But back up your files often! You do not want to lose your book manuscript (or article draft) and have to start all over again.
- A good support system. I have a great friend who always support me in my writing endeavors. She’s always there to talk to and to cheer me on. She helps me think my projects through. She’s happy for me when I get good news. She pushes me on when I feel frustrated or discouraged. I also have a husband who has allowed me to work on projects and who has simply believed in me and told me to keep pursuing my dreams (even when he really wished I would actually make some money). Who are “your people”? Do you have some? If not, find some. Go to a writer’s group and get some. Look at your friends and family. Who can you count on to be there for you no matter what when it comes to your writing?
- Good writing and publishing help. This might be a great agent, writing or book coach, professional editor, publishing consultant, publisher, or publicist — or all of these and more. For me, I have had a good webmaster (If you need one, contact me!) who was invaluable to me, several great agents, and many people who have helped me figure out the self-publishing process. Right now I’m so grateful to my current agent, Verna Dreisbach, who not only helped me land a deal but who guides my career. I asked for a “home” for all my work, and she has given me one. She believes in me and is my champion. And I’m thankful for my publisher, Writer’s Digest Books, who seems excited to help me promote my book, How to Blog a Book (April 2012) in a variety of ways and has given me a lovely editor.
Gratitude can provide a powerful tool in your journey to success. Instead of feeling frustrated, rejected, and faced with obstacles, see everything that happens on your journey to becoming published as just another lesson that helps you prepare for your career as a published author.