Writing success requires physical and mental energy. That’s why high performers in every industry, including the writing and publishing industry, focus their attention on how to generate the energy necessary to succeed. They want to master their physiology, which is one of the six Pillars of High Performance.
Just like a power plant, you have the ability to generate energy to write and the endurance to become published. However, you have to get your system—your body—set up to produce energy when you need it. You have to create your own personal power plant that provides energy to you as you write.
How High Performance has Helped My Writing Career
Since I began studying and implementing high-performance habits and strategies in my life, I have much more energy and endurance than before. Over a year ago, I began exercising, changing my eating habits, and consistently supplementing my diet. I also started sleeping seven hours consistently per night, drinking more water and meditating. Now, I have much higher energy levels. And I can sustain those levels for extended periods of time, such as when I’m on a book deadline.
My increased physical and mental energy levels has helped me accomplish an enormous amount of professional goals in a short amount of time, such as conducting 22 interviews in two weeks for an online course I was creating and finishing a full-length book in two months. It helped me keep up with my writing, blogging and client workload—and a book launch— even after a serious bike ride and to heal quickly. And it helped me attend to my 92-year-old mother after her hip replacement, which required me to be away from home 35 out of 48 days and to keep up with client sessions, blogging and more while I helped her recuperate. It’s also helped me find the energy to pick up hobbies I’d dropped and to be more willing and able to help my family in numerous ways.
On numerous occasions in the last year—actually in the last few months—I’ve needed to increase my energy level to achieve my goals. Since I had created the structure—built the power plant—I was able to generate that energy on demand.
Increased energy allows you to succeed in all areas of your life, not just in your writing career, but you need to have the structure in place to generate that energy when you need and want it. You need to build the power plant so you can generate power at will.
Develop the Stamina to Achieve Writing Success
If you want to succeed in life—personally or professionally, you need stamina, which means heightened and sustained levels of energy. You definitely can’t achieve your writing and publishing goals and dreams if you feel tired, can’t focus your mind, or generally don’t feel good.
You develop stamina and energy with good health habits. For instance, high-performing writers manage to make time to exercise regularly, to sleep seven to eight hours per night, to eat a healthy diet, to drink a lot of water, and to relax.
You might need to work long hours, stand or sit at the computer all day, or focus on a writing project for extended periods of time. You may need to drum up energy when you finish work to play with your children, walk your dog, or be present with your significant other—or to start writing after a long day at your other job.
Without the mechanism to generate that energy when you need it, you will find your engine cutting out, running poorly, or stopping altogether. If you’ve developed the mechanism to generate energy—built the power plant, however, you will know now to turn up the power to do all the things you want or need to do and live your life fully and achieve success as a nonfiction writer and author.
Build Up Your Brain Power
Taking good care of your body helps you build up brain power. Your brain is a part of your body, but it has special needs that help it power up when necessary, such as when you need creativity.
To build up brain power, feed your brain what it needs. There are a ton of supplements that can help your brain stay healthy, clear, and prepared to work. (Contact me if you want more information on brain supplements or supplements in general.) Additionally, drinking lots of water and sleeping enough help energize your brain.
High-performing writers make sure they oxygenate their brain as well. Any deep breathing helps keep your brain running on high and provide more clarity and focus when you sit down to write.
Also, meditation helps most high performers eliminate the clutter from their brains, relax, and regenerate. Try just a short two-minute meditation every hour; see how that affects your ability to generate the brain power and creativity you need to write effectively.
Allowing your brain to rest for a few minutes helps as well. Don’t power through your work day with no breaks. Instead, stop work every 50 minutes. Do a little exercise, breath deeply, and drink water; then return to your job. You’ll find you’ve helped your brain generate a new level of energy, focus, and clarity to complete your writing.
Use Your Mind as an Energy Generator
Your mind also provides a powerful energizing tool. In fact, you can consciously raise your energy level by mentally willing yourself to do so.
Try it:
- Close your eyes and feel how much energy you have right now. Rate it on a scale of one to ten with ten being the most energy you could possible experience.
- Imagine your energy increasing. You might need to visualize an engine kicking into high gear, a fire burning more and more brightly, or energy rising up your spine. Any visualization that helps you feel like you are mentally and physically upping your level of energy works.
- Focus on this image for a minute or two. See that energy leveling up…feel it!
- When you done, rate your energy level again. It should have increased considerably.
Be careful what you tell you mind about your energy level. If you continually tell yourself you are tired, worn out and unable to write, you will be. If, instead, you tell yourself you are strong, energetic, and able to write easily and effectively for as long as necessary, you will be. Your mind believes whatever you tell it—consciously or unconsciously. Tell it “I am tired,” and your body responds to that suggestion. Tell it “I am energized,” and your body responds to that suggestion as well.
Six Essential Energizers
To recap, if you want to have the energy necessary to succeed personally and professionally, incorporate these five essential energizers into your life:
- Eat a healthy and nutritious diet and supplement generally as necessary as well as specifically for brain health.
- Develop and stick to an exercise regimen.
- Stay hydrated by drinking enough water—at least six to eight glass of water per day and more if you exercise a lot or stand on your feet all day.
- Relax and oxygenate your brain with meditation and deep breathing.
- Sleep at least seven hours per night—more if possible.
- Use the power of your mind to help you generate the energy necessary to succeed.
These six essential energizers create the system you need to energize your body or mind on a regular basis.
Make a decision today to prepare your mind and body for heightened and sustained levels of energy. Then put the structure in place so you can generate that energy when you need or want it. You’ll find your writing career powering up in the process.
Do your current energy levels help or hinder your writing?
Don’t wait! It’s your time…now…to level up so you can achieve your potential, fulfill your purpose and live your life fully.
Photo courtesy of Stevebidmead | Pixabay.com