This mission of this blog is to motivate nonfiction writers, entrepreneurs, coaches, healers, and even non-writers to create publishable and published products that make a positive and meaningful difference in the world. It also strives to provide you with the high performance strategies, tips, and tools you need to achieve the success you desire, to develop a careers as an author, and to build a businesses around your books and writing. Additionally, this site addresses the special needs and concerns of nonfiction writers of all types. It focuses on inspiring nonfiction writers to combine their purpose and passion and take action so they Achieve More Inspired Results while also contributing work that has a transformational impact on those who read it.
In March 2011, I began this blog by writing posts five days per week. I did it as a way to keep it's sister blog, Write Nonfiction in November alive all year long. It was a silly idea I didn't quite think through. I ended up with two blogs that should have been one, and the first one lay dormant all year long until it's big event--National Nonfiction Writing Month (NaNonFiWriMo)—when it would feature 30 fabulous posts in 30 days.
Fifteen months later I dropped my post production down to three per week, and I kept that up for 39 months, or three years and three months. In July of 2014, I dropped down to two posts per week.
In November 2013, I combined both Write Nonfiction in November and Write Nonfiction NOW!, creating one huge hub of nonfiction blog posts and a place for NaNonFiWriMo to take place as well. In January 2015, I cut back to one post per week. I wrote most of the posts myself, but I did bring in expert guest bloggers as well.
In 2020, I dropped posts back to three times per month. In 2021, posts began publishing two times per month, on the first and third Wednesday of the month.
In January 2014, I created the Nonfiction Writers' University as a way for nonfiction writers to deepen their education on a higher level and in community. Additionally, I have created a variety of courses, products, and services to this site with the success of nonfiction writers entrepreneurs and writerpreneurs in mind.
Of course, my books also complement the content on this site.
Photo courtesy of andegro4ka