I’m always talking about blogging a book into existence and that if you do it well your book could be discovered. However, there are more ways to use high-tech publishing models and other opportunities to successfully publish books these days–and have them discovered.
Actually, for some authors having a traditional publisher discover their content and offer them a contract isn’t the goal. The goal lies in producing e-books and other information products that simply sell tons of copies from their websites. They are happy to sell to those customers and to have those readers–and to reap those profits.
Other writers find satisfaction in simply winning a contest or having an essay or short story published in a reputable magazine. The by line and acknowledgment by editors fills their need for recognition, and knowing someone has read their work makes them feel good.
In any case, here’s an interesting article about three northern California writers who used varied methods to help them get their books out there. Hopefully it will give you some ideas on alternative ways to get your book written and published.