We exist at a time in history unlike any other. At the same time that the world seems to be in turmoil, human consciousness continues moving towards a peak in its evolution. Out of chaos always comes order, however. Before things get better they often get worse. Before a situation comes together sometimes it has to first fall apart.
We exist in a time of change. Will you be a part of that change?
To do so, you don’t have to become an activist in the traditional sense, although you can. Instead, you can simply begin putting your thoughts on paper and publishing them. You can write a book and publish it. You can write a blog and publish it. You can write about something that touches people in such a way they feel moved to change. You can write about something that causes organizations to change. You can write about something that causes a movement of change on the planet.
To do this, you need only start writing and publishing–and gain a readership.
You also may need to change your consciousness. The Kabbalists, or Jewish mystics, taught that human beings were created as receivers. God, the Ultimate Creator, created us as the receivers of all the Divine goodness He/She had to offer us and all of creation. Our purpose in creation lies in receiving that goodness. That’s the easy part, because we naturally desire that goodness for ourselves, and the desire pulls the goodness to us. (Admittedly, actually allowing in the goodness can be difficult for some people.)
But…we need to have a new desire. We have to want a new consciousness that wants to receive Divine goodness not for our own sake alone but rather for the sake of giving it to others, say the Kabbalists. That’s the hard part. We have to have the desire to share what we receive with others.
This has always been the case, but it is more true now than ever before. We have to want to share unconditionally with all of creation. We have to want to receive in order to share.
When we do this, we find ourselves in harmony and in unity with the Creator. We find our selves in the flow of abundance. From this place and with this consciousness, we can create amazing change in our lives and in the world.
Why are you alive at this time in history? Do you want to influence positive change or let it happen around you? Do you want to be a change agent?
If you are a writer, the first step to creating change–to becoming a change agent–is simple: Create a new desire within yourself to share what you have already received — your knowledge. Share it in the form of writing — books, blogs, ebooks, and other information products.
If you aren’t sure what knowledge to share, ask yourself, “What is my purpose here in this lifetime and in this world? What are my special talents and gifts, and how will I them to create positive change? How can my knowledge benefit others?” In other words, what is your soul purpose? Or, if you aren’t a spiritually-inclined person, what is your mission? Put this to use now…now is the time.
We can’t stop change, but we can be a part of it. I challenge you to do so by sharing your knowledge in written and published form.
Be a part of the change. Be a change agent.