Today’s blog will have to be short. It’s actually already tomorrow, so I’ve officially missed today’s (yesterday’s) blog. Whatever. It’s 12:40 a.m., and I’m ready for bed. I never wanted to self-publish my work. As I’ve waited for query after query to be answered by agents and publishers, and years have gone by with my projects unwritten and unpublished, friends…
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A Nonfiction Writer’s Identity Crisis
I promised to tell you about my writer’s identity crisis. I’m not sure that fiction writers suffer from this affliction, but I’m fairly sure that many nonfiction writers suffer along with me. All indicators point to me being a writer, but some days I’m not sure that is who I am. I have a literary agent – two actually, since…
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Why I like Nonfiction Writing
As you know, I had dreams of being a fiction writer. My most recent foray into fiction during the 2005 NaNoWriMo event was loads of fun, and I was so excited to have agents interested in that novel. I remember running around at the San Francisco Writers Conference mumbling to myself, “I’m going to sell a novel. I’m going to…
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Why and How I Became a Nonfiction Writer
I thought I’d start out on this third day of November by telling anyone reading this blog why and how I became a nonfiction writer – in case you are interested. I’ve been a nonfiction writer since I was about 16 years old, and (I hate to admit it) I’m now 47. Actually, I had dreams of being a novelist…
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It’s November! So, Why Write Nonfiction Now?
Yesterday was the first day of November, and if you’re a writer — especially if you are a fiction writer — you should know what that means. It means it was time to start writing your novel! November marks the annual start of National Novel Writing Month, affectionately called NANOWRIMO ( I am proud to say that in 2005 I…
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