If you are coming here rather than to the old Write Nonfiction in November blog, which is/was hosted on Blogger, you might be missing out on all the action…I was going to say “fun,” but I really don’t think that would be the correct choice of words. Anyway, the comments are all being posted there…So, go to www.writenonficinnov.blogspot.com. Or, if you are too lazy to do that…or too busy writing (the better of the two choices), here’s what’s been going on:
i don’t think it’s a personal thing–angela believes writers need to get paid and you don’t. personally, i’m tired of working for my portfolio instead of groceries, while your intent may be sincere, i know that many artists are simply tired of producing writing/art/music without the same financial security as other professions. hopefully the two of you can patch things up…
Nina Amir said…
I never said I didn’t believe writers need to get paid. You are also making an assumption about me — or simply believing what Angela said about me. I make a living as a writer and an editor. By all means, I want to get paid, and I want other writers to get paid, too. I just believe that there are some circumstances in which we, as writers, can — and do — choose to write for free.
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Anonymous said…
Just read the two posts (and I got to Angela’s blog through your blog) and what she did was extremely unprofessional in publishing your exchange with a link to your blog – whatever her personal opinions might be.
Anyway, I’m on your side on this one, Nina. A guest post is rarely a paid position but a publicity opportunity. I understand her opinion that writers too often get asked to do things for free. But do journalists pay us to do interviews with us even though the interview will involve work on our part? In most cases, no – we recognise it’s a good source of publicity.
In any case, it didn’t warrant posting your exchange on her website with a link to your blog. Let’s hope it just results in more readers for you!
Nina Amir said…
Thank you!
Actually, she published our exchange despite the fact that I specifically asked her not to do so. She got around my request by not actually publishing the emails themselves.
I hope you are right about the readers. You know what they say: Even bad publicity is good publicity.
Come back in November when there will be something more interesting to read!
Cherrye at My Bella Vita said…
I’m sorry it seems like an innocent request turned brutal. I don’t know much about Angela, but I enjoy Writers Weekly and respect the website.
I understand what you were requesting with the guest bloggers, as I’ve been one and requested some myself.
Good luck with your November writing project.
Kate said…
I agree with Caroline, it was unprofessional of Angela to publish an interpretation of your emails without your consent.
On the other hand, trying to be fair, I don’t think she realises the difference between writing for traditional print and writing for blogs. In a sense she is right, but not about this. Guest posts are a long established and accepted form of promotion. The blogger gets good content and the writer gets long term publicity which can often be far more lucrative than the £20 they would have made if they had been paid. It’s a gig that keeps on giving. Contrary to what Angela says, many highly successful blogs are run this way.
Anonymous said…
I don’t think you should waste any time on Angela Hoy. She appears to be a very angry woman, never happier than when she can provoke someone into an argument. She is also extremely rude. My advice is to ignore her.
Nina Amir said…
Thanks for the support, those of you who have commented! I appreciate your views.
Again, I do support writers getting paid. Of course. Why wouldn’t I? But in this case, I dont’ believe I was wrong to ask for a free blog. I do believe guest bloggers commonly offer their posts for free adn bloggers as for those blogs for free. And it is good publicity.
It’s true this blog doesn’t have a huge readership. How do you build a blog? With good information. That’s why this year I want to supplement the information I have with the information others can offer — others who might know more or have more experience or have another area of expertise. And I’m not excluding other editors…which means I’m not doing this to make money.
Now, if I get a client or two out of a month of blogging, that woould be nice. Did I last year? No. Is that the most important part of Write Nonfiction in November? No. If it was, I wouldn’t be asking other people who compete with my business to blog for me.
For those wondering about how many comments I’ve received that support Angela and chosen not to post, so far only two…and a really mean email from someone who felt the need to take time out of their day to do that. I also got one from a life coach…which I posted and then deleted, because it didn’t pertain to the issue at hand. I’m not posting the mean and nasty comments. I don’t really want to give them more energy than they deserve. I’m happy to acknowledge that they did show up here, though, and I’ll keep a running tally of them for anyone who really cares. Ask, I’ll give you the current numbers, if you care.
(I admit I have posted one saying mean things about Angela…Sorry.)
By the way, I wrote a blog post about mean people in my very-alive-and-well blog, which does run all year long, at www.purespiritcreations.com, if you are interested!
See you hear in November…unless there are more comments to moderate!
Thanks again!
Nina Amir said…
Ooops…See you HERE in November!!!
(They need to have a spell checker on these comment boxes.)