The Platform section constitutes the final one in the Introduction of a nonfiction book proposal. Here you prove you have done what it takes to create a built-in readership for your book. The Platform section can make or break an aspiring author’s chances of getting a publishing deal. Thus, be sure you not only have built a platform prior to submitting a book proposal but that you also do a great job of preparing this section.
Platform equates to how many people you know or who know you and who potentially will buy your book. These people can be followers on Facebook, tweeple on Twitter, connections on LinkedIn, blog or newsletter subscribers, podcast listeners, people reached via print publications, e-zines and on-line publications for which you write, attendees at your talks and workshops, publicity partners, and fellow members of on-line and offline associations. You build a platform through speaking, writing, social media activities, networking, media appearances, etc.
The platform section of your book proposal is comprised of a bulleted list of all the things you have done to date to develop an author platform. It includes statistics, such as how many unique visitors visit your blog each day, how many page views you get daily on your website, how many places you have spoken in the last year or six months (and how many you have scheduled for the next 6-12 months), where you have appeared as a guest blogger, how many followers you have on Facebook, how many tweeple you have on Twitter, how many connections you have on LinkedIn, how many people are on your mailing list, how many articles you’ve written for major publications or where you’ve been quoted or featured as an expert in your field, what radio or television shows you’ve appeared on as a guest, awards you’ve received, and organizations to which you belong.
Don’t forget that I have two products that can help you compile the information necessary for a proposal and that will help you write a proposal. They can be found here and here.
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[…] Author’s Platform: This is a list of all the things you have done to date to build an audience for your book in your target market who would purchase it right now. Include numbers as relevant. […]