I just returned from a Jewish bi-annual spiritual gathering. I found it so interesting that at least once or twice a day during the week I was in Southern California with this group of old and new friends I found myself discussing book ideas–theirs or my suggestions for books they could write. So many people had books inside them ready to be birthed.
Do you have a book inside you? If so, what are you doing to get it out? Here are some of the suggestions I offered my friends:
1. Start a blog and write the book in short posts you publish in cyberspace; this will make it easy to write and build platform at the same time.
2. Evaluate your idea by using the proposal process; in this way you’ll know if it is marketable or how to make it marketable.
3. Do a mind map to discern the content of your book and then organize it into chapters. After this, start writing!
4. Write a short book — 25,000-35,000 words — and publish it as an ebook, which costs much less (but don’t forget to have it professionally edited). A short book is less intimidating as well.
5. Find a writing partner, accountability partner or writing coach to help you stay focused on birthing that book. Most people don’t get the book done because they don’t have anyone to help them meet their goals or deadlines. Knowing someone else will help you stay on task and meet those goals and deadlines helps.