Are you standing at the starting line waiting to start your book? What will it take for you to get started? Do you need a gun shut to have the impetus, the initiative, the reason to actually get off the line and start writing?
If so, you may never write your book.
No one is going to shoot the gun and signal that the time is right. And no one is going to hold the gun to your head.
You must start the race on your own–even if you are the only one running it.
With the finish line clearly in mind (a completed manuscript or a published book), you must begin writing. And you must not stop until you cross that line.
Of course, you can get a coach to help you prepare for the race. To help you get in shape, figure out how to get in the right mindset, make sure you have all the right tools to get to the finish line.
The coach, however, can’t make you take the first step or the last or any of the steps in between. That’s up to you.
Are you ready? Will you take a step off the line today? Will you become one of the few people in the world who are starters–and also finishers?
Let me know.
Just the kick in the booty I needed to finish my book! Thank you.
Glad to be that smoking gun, if you needed one…or the kick in the booty. Go finish that book!