Last week I published a guest post about getting media exposure by becoming an expert source for the media. In addition to pitching stories to the media, you also can make yourself available to the media in other ways. For example, I subscribe to an “expert site” called, which also publishes the printed Yearbook of Experts.
This service, for which I pay on a yearly basis, gives me a web page on their site where I can list myself as an expert in up to 39 categories (and you can make up your own categories if they don’t already have them). Journalists seeking experts go to this site and use search terms to find relevant experts.
Additionally, I can post news releases and press releases on its wire service. Most people pay by the release to publish information on sites like Just as’s most expensive service exposes your press release to the media, offers you the opportunity to post 52 news releases per year that are read primarily by the media for the price you pay per year for your membership; this works out much cheaper, although you do not get as many hits. That said, the service allows you specifically to help journalists find you, to show journalists the issues about which you are writing and speaking and to ensure that media professionals know you welcome their contact.
If you are trying to build your author’s platform via media exposure, the news releases you posts with build accomplish this:
- via daily and weekly headline feeds going to more than 11,000 journalists;
- via LexisNexis, the leading professional search resource;
- via Google News (if your releases are picked up);
- via instant posts at the News Release Wire website;
- via instant links to your profile and to your website;
- via the printed Yearbook of Experts; and
- at for book releases.
If this service interests you, you can save $100 on the yearly membership fee by signing up for using my discount link, , or call them at (202) 333-5000 and mention my name.
Greetings NIna
I tried to access the past blog link (getting media exposure by becoming an expert source for the media)in the article, but it tok me to a secure Word Press blog site requiring a log in.
Just an FYI.
I’ve fixed the link. Thanks for letting me know. Here it is…for easy access: