If you feel overwhelmed by the idea of writing a full-length book, here’s one tactic that helps many of my clients begin writing–and end up with a finished product they can sell. Write a short book, e-book or tip book.
I’ve written short books that range in length from 24 pages to 48. The fact that they are short makes them seem very “doable” and the organization doesn’t feel intimidating either. Plus, you can produce one in no time at all.
A tip book can include 10 tips–one per page. Place quotes on the back side of the page and you don’t even need to fill that many pages.
A short book or booklet can include the introduction from your upcoming book and several short versions of your chapters. Simply condense some of your most important information. Don’t include everything. Provide some tips and tools or steps. Leave your readers wanting more.
You can sell these at the back of the room when you speak or as e-books. When you have a full-length version ready you can either produce a new edition or a different edition.
If you produce a sort booklet on each chapter of your book you can then flesh it out and place it in your book. This is a great way to get your book written fast.
Or produce a variety of short booklets on a topic and then put them together into a book.