Okay, I’m going to ‘fess up. I’m in overwhelm. I’ve got way too many projects started and not finished. I have too many blogs and columns. I’m spread too thin.
Lot’s of other creative people complain of the same problem. Too many ideas; too little time. Like the Nowhere Man in The Yellow Submarine, we could run around all day muttering, “So little time, so much to do.” However, this negative statement won’t help us much.
I can blame some of my issues on the fact that, as a nonfiction writer, I’ve started many a book project and written only a few chapters for the sake of a book proposal that hasn’t yet sold; thus, the book remains unwritten (but still important to me). In conjunction with these book projects, I’ve started blogs and on-line columns to buld platform and expert status; so, I reason, I can’t just give them up. After all, I have readers! (Any of this sound familiar?)
Blame won’t do me much good, either–at least not at this point.
I’ve made a decision instead. To find…or rather make…time to create something new, which includes taking on projects started and not completed, I have to prioritize my day so I address these projects. That means making some necessary change–including taking some time away from other endeavors.
One change you will see will happen here at Write Nonfiction NOW! For almost a year I’ve been writing five posts a week. I began writing this blog in earnest last May. I produced three posts a week that first month and then began producing five per week. I find, however, that I can’t keep up that pace–and keep up with three other blogs (that fail to get my attention often enough) and two on-line Examiner columns–and produce the books I say I am writing or want to write, let alone information products that would bring in income for me. I will have to cut down in other areas as well–write less columns, spend less time social networking, spend less time perusing my email inbox. So, expect to see only three posts a week here from now on. You will still see expert guest posts as well a few times a month, but, as usual, the bulk of the content will be from moi.
I am also going to spend one day a week on product development. That is when I will create…write.
On that note I want to ask you: Are you doing to much? Are you spread to thin? Do you need to find…make…time to create?
On Monday we’ll explore some different and unique ways to look at how you can do just that. Have a great weekend.