Yesterday I was interviewed for an Internet talk radio show. I thought I was prepared and ready. I sent in my questions, just as they asked, and I had a basic script with questions and talking points. I knew my material. However, the host decided to throw away my questions and simply have a conversation.
This has happened to me before. I find it quite enjoyable actually, but it can be difficult to get your message across when the show format is different than expected or the host seems to have his or her own agenda for your time on the air.
Luckily for me, this particular host, Michael Ray Dresser, offered me a free media coaching session and review after the show. It was worth more than the interview, which I did not feel was my best by far.
Here are three tips I learned from Michael Ray, as he is known, that I’d like to pass along:
- Tie your talking points to stories; when the host goes in another direction, use a story to lead into your talking points.
- Remember that listeners don’t care about you; they want to hear a story about someone or something that triggers some sort of personal recognition within them–that elicits an emotional response within them.
- Don’t sell your listeners on you or your product; sell them on a solution to a problem.
- Provide your listeners with a way to achieve emotional satisfaction; this drives them to take action.
My thanks to Michael Ray for time on his show and the great tips and feedback. Check out his media coaching services; please tell him I sent you…And watch for a guest post from him right here very soon.
“Four Tips for Author Radio Show Interviews” really enables me
personally imagine a tiny bit further. I personally admired each and every single
part of this blog post. Thank you -Terri