Happy Holidays!
Today’s post is a short one mainly to say thank you for being my blog readers. I’m so grateful every day to know that someone shows up here–well, more than just some one…lots of some ones–to read what I write. I compose these posts three times a week because I’m passionate about helping other aspiring nonfiction authors learn how get their work published. If you are reading, that hopefully means you are learning and getting something useful out of the posts. So, thank you for your support.
At this time, I’d like to ask you to leave me comments on this post about what you’d like to read here in the coming year. I’d love to get your input. In fact, I’d love to hear more from you in 2012 in the form of comments, feedback, stories, experiences, etc. I would love to address your concerns and interests in 2012. Let me know how I can best help you succeed as a writer. I’ll be planning out my content over the next week or so, and I’d love your suggestions.
For those of you who don’t yet subscribe to my newsletter, I’d also like to encourage you to do so. I publish it about once a month, and it usually has additional articles in it and special offers on my products and services. Plus, if you subscribe now, you’ll receive the latest newsletter, which has a free gift–an ebook I just created to help you achieve your writing, publishing and promotion goals in 2012. Move Your BIG Writing and Promotion Rocks This Year is just one more of my products meant to inspire you to turn your passion and purpose into publishable products. It offers you a workbook and tips on how to achieve your writing, publishing and promotion goals in 2012. Currently, it’s only available to subscribers.
To register for my mailing list, fill out the form below:
Enjoy your holidays. Wisdom teachers say this is the time of miracles; I hope you make and experience many!