Everyone talks about authenticity. How do you find your authentic voice as a writer? How do you ensure that as an author you are authentic and that your written work shows that authenticity? When you get up and speak about yourself and your work, how can you guarantee the audience “gets” that you are being “real”?
There’s a formula that works every time: passion + purpose = inspiration
When you combine your passion for your topic with your sense of purpose or mission–the reason you feel you must write about your topic, you will feel inspired. When you feel inspired, you are “in spirit,” in touch with the core of who you really are–your true self. When you write and speak from this inspired place, your authentic, or real, self shines through every time.
To achieve authentic writing (or speaking) results, pick a topic about which you feel passionate and about which you have a sense of purpose. When you feel inspired, write. You’ll then achieve the authentic writing results you desire; everyone who reads your work will comment on the level of authenticity in your work.