If, like me, you have a blog, you want to make sure you not only get readers but also subscribers—people who get your blog posts either in their email box or via RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feed.
How do you do this? First, you make sure you have an RSS feed icon on your blog and you provide a subscription form as well. Then…you ask people to subscribe. Most of us…including me…forget this step. We don’t like to ask, but if we don’t ask for what we want and need, we may never receive it.
Today, I’m going to practice what I preach. I’m going to ask you not just for one thing—to subscribe to this blog—but for two things! (Wow.) I’m also going to ask you to vote for this blog as one of Writer’s Digest’s 101 Best Internet Sites for Writers.
Let’s start with Request #1. It’s pretty simple.
If you like the information I provide here, like the series I just completed on writing a book proposal, please subscribe to this blog. If you do so you won’t miss a single post from Write Nonfiction NOW! Get them in your email box three days a week!
To subscribe, you can use the form to the right of this blog post, click on the RSS button (it looks like this: ) at the top right of this page and fill out the brief form, or you can just enter your email address below and hit the “subscribe” button:
On to Request #2. This is also pretty simple.
If you’ve enjoyed all the posts published here, please take the time to vote Write Nonfiction NOW! one of Writer’s Digest’s Annual 101 Best Internet Sites for Writers. This means it will be mentioned in Writer’s Digest Magazine (and on line) and more writers will find out about it.
Voting for this blog is quick and easy; it entails three steps on your part.
1. Send an email to: writersdig@fwpubs.com.
2. Write “101 Best Websites” in the subject line.
3. Place the link to this blog – https://writenonfictionnow.com – in the body of the email. If you want to add why you like the blog, that’s helpful. If not, just send the link.
Winning the contest provides a great opportunity for me to provide more aspiring nonfiction writers with information about how to write and publish nonfiction. It also allows me to tell them about my other blog and challenge, Write Nonfiction in November.
That’s it today. Take my lead. Write a blog post and ask your readers to support you in whatever way you like—subscriptions, comments, feedback, etc.
And thank you to those who do subscribe or vote for this blog.