November revolves around writing, and, like the Thanksgiving holiday celebrated during this month, that’s something for which to be grateful.
First, it was named National Novel Writing Month by Chris Baty, who began in 1999 with 21 San Francisco Bay Area friends writing a novel in 30 days. Of the 21, six of them succeeded that month in completing a novel, which they defined as 50,000 words—the length of The Great Gatsby. The following year, 140 people participated, and it’s grown exponentially each year since. Today, over 100,000 people take up Baty’s vision each year in November.
Then came PicoWriMo. Its origins are sketchy, seeming to come from a random post in a blog calling for a less ambitious undertaking for writers. Its rules entail writing a minimum of one word every day for a month. By the end of 30 days, the writer has a free-verse poem or a very short story.
Then, in 2007, I began Write Nonfiction in November, a challenge to all those not wanting to write fiction at all to start and complete a nonfiction project in 30 days. I required no exact word count, just a completed project of some sort – an article, a book, an ebook, a book proposal, a query letter, an essay, etc. Unlike National Novel Writing Month, Write Nonfiction in November revolves around a daily blog written by myself and guest bloggers. The first year, I offered a “brain dump” of much of what I knew about nonfiction writing, editing and publishing. Last year, I asked guest bloggers to add their expertise to the 30-day-long blog; this year the blog again will be written almost primarily by expert guest bloggers. Up until now Write Nonfiction in November offered no forum for participants, but this year one has been added. So, participants can not only comment on blog posts but also chat with each other. However, there remains no counter to check how many words participants are writing – nor will there ever be one. This remains a personal challenge simply to start and finish a work of nonfiction.
With so much writing going on in November, I feel the time has come for someone to declare November “National Writing Month” So, I’m doing just that. It doesn’t matter what we are writing – fiction or nonfiction. It just matters that so many writers are all writing during a focused period of time, and someone should honor that fact. November should be ‘National Writing Month. So, I declare it as such.
How many writers write nonfiction during November each year is anyone’s guess. NaNoWriMo has a forums section that has a NaNo Rebel area including a nonfiction contingent that writes nonfiction. People read the Write Nonfiction in November blog both at its location and on, but I don’t ask anyone to log in or sign up. Some writers involved in PicoWrimo, a challenge that takes place on, also write nonfiction.
What I do know is that November gets writers writing. That’s the point. Initially, NaNoWriMo got fiction writers writing. I wanted to get nonfiction writers writing as well. Now that National Novel Writing Month, PicoWriMo and Write Nonfiction in November have been established, it just seems to make sense that we should declare November National Writing Month and let the writing go on officially.
By the way, other writing related events—both official and unofficial—that I’ve found include:
• National Card and Letter Writing Month (April and May)
• National Sketch Writing Month (September)
• National Travel Writer’s Month (August)
• National Poetry Month – NaPoWriMo (April)
Don’t forget to check back in on November 1st for the beginning of the Write Nonfiction in November challenge!
I’m so happy to have found you! I started writing this somewhat satirical book about finding true life balance; how to “do it all” whilst not wanting to jump off a cliff evereyday and/or become a complete alcoholic.
Someone suggested I start a blog and as a result I’ve spent almost three years writing snippets of material on the blog (plus loads of other stuff I’ll never use in this book.) It’s been a good writing experience but has also created even more procrastination on the actual “book” front.
I feel an intense need to get back to my original goal.
November may well be the month for me to make some major headway. In my case, much is written but I need to get it organized and either get a concrete, formal book proposal completed or write this damn thing and publish it myself.
Please sign me up!
I think it is very cool that you have been blogging about your book. By doing so you have promoted both yourself and your book and built author platform. Now you can “book your blog,” or turn your blog into a book using the material there plus the material you wrote previously (and even some new material). See my other blog, And you can do this during WNFIN!
To sign up for WNFIN, simply copy and past your comment at this link: That’s it! You actually don’t even need to do this, but it’s nice to let others know what you are writing about. Then, please, do comment on posts, let people know how you are coming along…go to the Facebook page and chat or leave comments at the above link or after posts.
Have fun and good luck.