I’ve recently realized that one thing missing from this blog is a good list of resources. By that I mean that I’d like to list the best writing blogs around . I started thinking about this when I found the most recent Write Nonfiction in November post featured in a “Sunday Wash-Up” on Shack’s Comings and Goings. He provides a great list of the best writing post he finds, although he’s about to stop doing so… He’s got a great archive of them, though, and they will remain up for anyone to read. Click here to see his last post.
So, I’m open to suggestions. I, unfortunately do not have time to go out and search for them, so please send me some links, and I’ll check them out! Make sure they have something to do with nonfiction. Leave the fiction blogs for someone else, please. If I think they look good, I’ll either put up a resource page or list them on my blog roll.
Mine is a personal writing site that addresses my own experiences with writing nonfiction — academic, mostly — but you’ll see by the sidebars that I’m an inveterate *reader* of genre and literary fiction.
Anyway, check it out and see what you think. I, too, am frustrated by the lack of interesting NF sites.