With the New Year fast approaching, it’s time to consider the writing projects and platform building you didn’t finish in 2010 and make them a priority for 2011.What projects have remained on your to-do list all year long, part of the year, or even just this past month? It’s time to make them top priority. Consider them your “big rocks.”
Not long ago I asked someone I know how she managed to get so much done each day. She responded, “I always move the big rocks first.”
What are your big rocks for 2011 when it comes to writing, platform building and publishing? Make a list of the projects that are most important to you. Possibly these projects represent the ones you least like to do, such as promoting yourself and your book–wearing a business hat. On the other hand, they could be the things you most enjoy, like starting a new book project–wearing your writing hat.
Now make a commitment to yourself that each day these writing projects will be #1 and #2 on your to-do list. If you move those rocks before you move the stones and the pebbles–your smaller, less important projects and items on your to-do list, you’ll find you’ve accomplished your big goals early in the New Year.
Plus, you won’t be too tired from moving around all those little stones and pebbles–the small tasks that tend to occupy so much of our time and energy–all day to tackle the big rocks. In fact, moving the big rocks even a little bit each day will help you build writing muscle and feel more energized for both your large and small projects. That will help you develop the strength and endurance to meet your goals and complete your projects.