It doesn’t matter if I speak at a conference, work with a coaching client, or teach a class, aspiring writers share one common complaint: I don’t write. That’s why this month my challenge to nonfiction writers is to write or write more.
It’s time to stop whining.
I don’t know why I don’t write. I want to…but I just don’t.
I’ve just been too busy to write.
I have so many priorities; writing gets pushed to end of the list.
I’ve heard all the excuses.
Here’s the truth: If you want to write, you simply need to sit down and put fingers to the keyboard…and write.
No excuses. Write. Then write some more.
March Writing Challenge: Write More.
This month, take on the personal challenge to write more. I can think of four ways you can do this.
1. Write daily.
Most of my coaching clients have gotten out of the writing habit. The easiest way to solve this problem is to recreate that writing practice. To accomplish this goal, write daily.
2. Start with 15 minutes.
When I suggest writing daily, many aspiring writers reply, “If I had the time to write daily, I’d be doing so.” In fact, they have the time, but they are out of the habit and don’t prioritize their creative endeavors.
The solution is simple: Write every day for just 15 minutes.
In every case, when my coaching clients try this more than half of their 15-minutes writing sessions turn into an hour or more spent working on their current project.
And after a week or two, they’re in the groove. And these aspiring writers have the start of a new writing habit.
3. Write first thing in the morning.
In all honesty, like a lot of other writers, I tend to put my writing last. I handle my clients’ work first, get the blog posts written and scheduled, manage customer service, conduct coaching sessions…and then I write.
But more often than not, I don’t write…I don’t get to my creative project.
Can you relate? I’m sure you can, as do most of my clients. They tell me they have the same unproductive approach or ineffective work strategy.
That’s why you must write first thing in the morning. Doing so ensures your writing project gets the attention it deserves—and you turn out words…more words…daily.
Make your writing a priority. Handle it first, not last.
These three strategies will help you write more this month…and every month. I challenge you to try them and begin writing more by writing more consistently.
Ready to take on the challenge? Go!
And don’t forget to share the impact of your work in a comment below.
If you want to learn more about how to write more and publish your work–and make a positive and meaningful difference with your words, join the Nonfiction Writers’ University (NFWU). Take advantage of the current $1 trial period; check out the NFWU for 30 days before getting charged the current monthly membership fee of $37. To find out more about or join the NFWU, click here.
The NFWU contains a wealth of information about achieving your nonfiction writing and publishing goals As a member, you receive 37 months of NFWU challenges, assignments, coaching, and educational-event recordings with a variety of experts in the field. You also get introductory gifts worth more than $150 and all the 2016 Write Nonfiction in November Challenge interviews and coaching-call recordings. Plus, each month you’ll have access to new live coaching and events! Members also get additional bonuses during the year. Click here to learn more and join.
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Nina —
Good post.
I have 5 article assignments right now, and many times my “business” duties — marketing, etc — take precedent to the articles. By the time I get to them, hours have passed.
Maybe it’s time to reverse things.
Try it. Let me know how it works for you. I’m doing the same…and congrats on all those article assignments.