I have a writer friend who often says, “I’m giving myself grace.” Typically, this is when she finds herself in circumstances that provide a good reason—excuse—not to write or take actions that will help her get published. Each time she lets herself off the hook by giving herself grace, she gives her power to her circumstances and stays stuck…and unpublished….
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Stop Letting Circumstances Get In the Way of Writing
How often have you said, “I can’t write today because…” Fill in the blank with any reason you prefer, like “I don’t have enough time,” “I need to work and earn some money,” “I am over-committed,” “I have to do X, Y, or Z,” “My mother, father, kids, partner, boss, or friend won’t like it,” “I’m too tired,” or “I…
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How to Develop Supportive Writing Habits Super Fast
Have you struggled to create a writing habit that supports your efforts to achieve a nonfiction publishing goal or dream? Or have you found it challenging to break unhelpful habits, like procrastination, that don’t support your efforts to get the writing results you desire? Most habit-formation experts say it takes a minimum of 30 days to develop a new habit….
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Why You Need to Publish Your Writing on Your Website
You can publish your writing in so many different places. However, the place you need to publish your content is on your own website. I’ve said this many times, but it bears repeating: Do not use social media or someone else’s publishing platform as your blog or author website. A blog belongs on your author website. You can share the…
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Why Slowing Down Offers Writers an Effective Goal-Achievement Strategy
We live in a fast-paced world where quickly achieving goals is perceived as a virtue. We are taught to strive with unwavering determination and consistency to reach our goals. Slowing down is considered unacceptable or a weakness, yet it provides a better goal-achievement strategy for everyone…including nonfiction writers. Slowing the pace at which you pursue your writing dreams can mean…
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