For those of you who are tired or reading (What? Tired of reading?) or just don’t have the time to read one more thing on line (What? No time to read my blog?) or who just want more great information on how to write, publish and promote your nonficition writing (Yes, yes!), here’s something for you. Now you can listen to additional information from Nina Amir and from her interviews with experts on writing and publishing in the form of podcasts.
That’s right! Listen online or on your Ipod (or a device of your choosing). Listen while you work (Huh?) or while you walk, drive, run…whatever! Listen and learn…then go sit down at your computer and put the great information to use. Yup. You know what I’m going to say. Write nonfiction…write nonfiction NOW!
To find a podcast, search below by topic.
Jim Kukral: Self-Publishing a Book Successfully (February 17, 2012)
Tackling New Technology (January 10, 2012)