This morning I was reading Seth Godin’s blog, and I found his topic pertinent in particular to achieving our writing goals. He talked about the different conversations going on in our heads and gave the voices names:
- The ego–seeks applause and recognition.
- The lizard–seeks safety, wants to fit in and not be rejected or criticized.
- The artist–wants to be generous, creative and make positive change with impact.
- The boxer–wants to poke and be poked, seeks revenge and ultimately victory.
- The zombie–wants to turn off and be entertained.
- The philanthropist–wants to help, anonymously.
- The evangelist–wants to spread an idea.
- And the hunter–wants to successfully track and bring down a target.
Long ago I studied Voice Dialogue. Also called the Psychology of Selves, this work teaches us that we do, indeed, have different “selves” or “voices” that influence us every day. By learning who they are we can work with them and put them to good use in our lives–rather than letting them control our lives.
Many people who have done any psychology or human potential work may be familiar with the Inner Child, for instance. Well, maybe you also have an Inner Author, Inner Publicist or Inner Muse. Maybe you harbor a part of you that is good at meeting deadlines or at thinking outside the box. Maybe you have great Social Networker.
It’s time to get familiar with your inner “team” and get all of them working together. Sit down and get quiet. Ask them one by one to introduce themselves to you. Ask them if they are willing to work with you to help you write your articles, essays, e-books, or books.
Later, when you need one of them, close your eyes again and call on that “self.” Ask for that energy to be present in your body and to assist you in achieving your goal. In this way you can harness your human potential…all of it (or them) and your writing goals. You can put your different selves to work to help you become the best writer and author and to achieve all your writing and publishing goals.