For those of you using Facebook for personal or professional reasons, be sure to take advantage of what it has to offer when it comes to promoting your blog. Many people consider it just a place to keep up with friends and family, but more and more businesspeople–and savvy writers, authors, and book and blog promoters–are finding it an extremely useful place to generate business. With this in mind, the authors or bloggers wants to be sure to post blog posts to Facebook regularly.
Once you have set up your free Facebook account by creating a profile, uploading a photo, and making sure you’ve included relevant links to your blog you can begin manually uploading links if you like. You can do this in your status update bar where it asks you, “What’s on your mind.” Simply say something like, “Did you know that sharing your posts on Facebook is really important for bloggers?” Then, below that bar there is a place to insert a link. Hover over the icons and you’ll see that the fourth one (next to the event icon) says “link.” It looks a bit like a piece of paper. If you simply include the Internet address in your status update, Facebook automatically links to it for you.
You can make your blog posts automatically post to Facebook by choosing clicking on Networked Blogs on the left side of the page. Then click on Register a Blog at the top of that page. Fill in all the required information. You will then need to verify that this is your blog either by asking others to verify this for you or by pasting some HTML code into a widget text box. This is really pretty simple. Just copy the code. Go to your blog’s widget area and then choose a text box. Past the code in there and hit save. Then go back to Facebook and hit the verify button. You can go back and remove your text box immediately after this.
Then go to your Account information and click on the Application settings. Click on “edit settings” for Networked Blogs and be sure that under “additional permissions” you check the box there that allows posts to be published to your wall.
Now go to your Facebook home page and click on Networked blogs. Find your blog on the left and click on its name. You’ll see your current blog posts on the left and a list on the right. Find “Syndication” and click on it. Under “Personal Profile,” check the box that says “Auto-publish to personal profile.” You can test this out to see if the most current posts appears on your wall.
Below this you can also have Facebook arrange to tweet your posts to Twitter if you have an account there.
You’ve now arranged for you blog to automatically post to Facebook. You can still tell your followers about your new posts manually, too. Plus, your tweeple at Twitter will know about your blogs, and you’ve accomplished all of this in just one Facebook session.