I don’t know about you, but I’m always looking for faster ways to churn out content. I have four active blogs, an online column (and possibly another in the works), and books I’m writing. Plus, I need to promote my work with e-zine articles and news releases. So, when I saw this article from Jeff Herring, I wanted to share it.
Herring is “The Article Marketing Guy.” I often talk about how to promote books and blogs and build platform by using e-zine article directories. (You can learn more in this e-book.) Herring is the expert on this topic. And now he rightly claims you can create e-zine articles quickly by repurposing your spoken material–and all writers should be incorporating some spoken material into their promotional efforts. Read on to find out more.
Speak Your Articles – How to Write With Your Mouth Not With Your Hands (New Strategies for You)
By Jeff Herring
Article marketing is a great way to generate volumes of highly qualified traffic and profits. And yet so many people struggle with writing their articles even when they know the great results available.
I get it.
I once believed that I could not write. So much so that I never finished my dissertation for my Ph.D in Marriage & Family Therapy back when I was a therapist.
Now as an Article Marketing expert I dig deep into my niche to help you create article content in as many ways as possible. Creating templates has helped thousands of online marketers create articles and build their traffic and profits.
At the same time, so many people still struggle with writing articles.
Write with Your Mouth Not with Your Hands
So lately I’ve been working on some strategies for creating article content without having to write. And no, I am not talking about article spinners and the article vomit you get from such things.
I’m talking about about creating original articles based on your expertise, without having to lift a finger to write, by writing with your mouth and not with you hands.
One of my favorite ways to do this is with teleseminars and webinars. You can also use radio interviews, podcasts and blog talk radio.
For ease of communication I’ll be talking about teleseminars for this example.
When you conduct a 60 minute teleseminar you are actually creating between 8 – 12 articles depending on how fast you talk. You might get less or you might get more articles out of a 60 minute teleseminar.
What you want to do is conduct your teleseminar and make sure you record it. I usually record my teleseminars by more than one means just in case something goes wrong with one. There’s not much worse than holding a great teleseminar in which you are really on, only to find out the recording did not work.
The next step is to have that recording transcribed into as many 400 plus word articles as possible. When you break your teleseminars into sub-headings with several points for each sub-heading, you’ll wind up with more articles.
Bonus Tip – Each one of those articles created with your mouth not with your hands can then become another teleseminar. Of course you are going to record that teleseminar and have it transcribed, right?
Now you are on your way to speaking an endless amount of content without lifting a finger to write your articles.
Ready for more?
To discover even more powerful strategies for speaking your articles and content, you can catch a short video on how to speak your articles in less than 3 minutes when you visit http://SpeakYourArticles.com
This is the fastest and easiest way I have ever found in 17 years of creating article content.
From Jeff Herring – The Article Marketing Guy and SpeakYourArticles.com