In my other blog, As the Spirit Moves Me, and in my booklet and e-book, The Kabbalah of Conscious Creation, I often talk about taking inspired action. It’s a concept I stress as part of the process of creating what you desire. However, as a writing coach and publishing mentor, I also feel this principle holds an important place in achieving your writing goals and manifesting your publishing dreams.
When you suddenly feel inspired to take action, by which I mean you feel the urge to create a written product, you must allow yourself to do exactly that: take action. No matter if that means sitting down to write, going out to look at competing books, designing a book cover, conceptualizing a new book idea, or mind mapping your latest project, you must allow yourself to do what your soul tells you to do in that moment. When inspiration moves you, move with it. This is your spirit instructing you…so be in spirit.
Part of the conscious creation process that I teach in my “other life” as a conscious creation coach involves taking people through a process whereby they find their soul’s purpose, feel the urge to create something new, connect the clear thought of what they want to create–in this case a book, article, e-book, booklet, or information product–with the feeling of having already created it, and then allow themselves to not only consider the action steps they should or must take to help bring that creation into the physical plane but also sense what inspired action steps they might take. Those steps that we feel compelled to take, excited to take, driven to take by something deep inside us are the ones that more often than not help us realize our dreams.
So, today I urge you to get in touch with your soul or your spirit and see if you can’t get a sense of the next best step for you to take to achieve your writing goals and your publishing dreams. What action do you feel inspired to take? Now take it.