Lately I’ve been spending a lot of time on planning. Like a lot of writers, I set out to simply write. My degree in magazine journalism turned me into an editor as well as a writer. And when I was asked to edit a book for someone, I became a book editor as well as magazine editor. I later also became a book and author coach, a book proposal consultant and an author. I didn’t start out with a plan other than to write for magazines.
However, just like you need a plan for your nonfiction book, you need a plan as a writer. And you need a plan for your blog.
As I’ve been creating a business plan, something I really I haven’t had before (if you can believe that), I decided it might be a good thing to ask my readers what types of content would serve them best. In this way I can align both my business plan and my blog content plan. I often look at my blog analytics to see what keywords and keyword phrases are used to bring people to the blog and which posts are getting read most often, but it’s helpful to also hear from you directly.
So, below you will find a poll. It asks you to tell me what issues you–an aspiring or published nonfiction author struggle with most. Your responses will help me plan out content for my blogs. Based on your answers, I can write posts that help you solve the problems you face daily as you try to write and publish books, publicize your existing books, build platform, become good business partners for publishers and indie publishers. In general, I can better support you in your writing careers.
I’d really appreciate it if you would fill out the form. It will just take you a moment. By so doing, you help me provide content most relevant to you.
Thanks so much. And thanks for reading this blog.
(You can pick 3 areas with which you struggle most.)

Great post. I like your perspective and the questions helped me affirm what I suspected: my highest priority–writing time–is the one I struggle with most.
Tomorrow’s challenge–moving some big rocks!
I struggle with it, too, even though I write about this! I do everything else first. We teach what we need to learn most. Thanks for your comment.