Yesterday someone asked me if they could post a blog about what they plan to write about this year during Write Nonfiction in November. I said, “Sure!” Let’s build some excitement and get people thinking about their ideas. I sent her off to compose her blog. I want to extend the invitation to other readers out there eagerly waiting to get started with Write Nonfiction in November. If you can send me a short blog post on why you want to do Write Nonfiction in November and what you plan to write about before November 1 (which means in the next 30 hours or so if you are on PST), I’ll post it here tomorrow (Friday, October 31).
I have to confess, I’m not sure what I’m writing this year. Last year my goals was to write my booklet, The Priestess Practice, and that’s what I did. I was going to write another booklet this year – one I’ve been meaning to write for about 4 years now – that seems timely about how to move through fear. I know I could finish that in 30 days. However, then I thought maybe I should work on the full length version of my booklet The Kabbalah of Conscious Creation, which I’m trying to sell. (I have a new agent who has just agreed to read the proposal; I have decided not to use my old agent for this project.) I’m afraid I won’t be able to finish that project if I take it on, though. And then I’ll fail my own challenge. So, I’m still deciding.
By the way, I discovered today that NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) has some rebels! (I had to get a new password – forgot mine – and sign in to check it out for myself.) Yes, NaNo Rebels, and they are writing nonfiction. I’ve let them know about what we are doing here, and I hope they join us. Another group calls themselves NaNo Nonfiction. I’ve let them know a nonfiction challenge exists as well. If they want to write 50,000 words and let the NaNoWriMo counter count it for them, more power to them.
Now that I’m logged in there, who know, I might use the counter, too, just for kicks. And I’ll surely post something in the forums again to send some people this way. I might even hold a write-in or two. So, if you are in the Bay Area (Northern CA), keep your eyes peeled for notifications. And, if any of you Nano Rebels or Nano Nonfiction people are reading this, “Welcome! Glad to have you aboard!