Aspiring authors ask me the same questions all the time: Why would I want a traditional publishing deal? What does a traditional publisher have to offer me? These questions are coming more often in the wake of stories about indie e-book authors making a mint.
My answer to why someone might want a traditional publishing day in this day and age is usually three-fold. A traditional publisher offers you:
- credibility
- distribution
- a business partner
Today, however, I’m going to let someone who knows way more than I do tell you his side of the story. Former agent Nathan Bransford, author of Jacob Wonderbar and the Cosmic Space Kapow
, wrote a post explaining why he opted for a traditional publisher for his book. You can read all about his reasons here. He offers a good argument for traditional publishing. I like most of them–especially the one about the advance: “When you get an advance you can literally take it to the bank.”
There are pros and cons for sure for choosing each option. Most authors don’t weigh the options fully before jumping in. to go self-pub it has to be considered as a small business model and a long-term venture.
You are exactly correct. The problem is that most self-publishers don’t even bother to come up with a business plan of any sort prior to starting out. They don’t examine the competition or the market or figure out how they will make their book unique or promote it. Most don’t even want to be involved with anything that has to do with business.