Welcome to Write Nonfiction in November (WNFIN), aka National Nonfiction Writing Month (NaNonFiWriMo) 2013! We have a great line up of guest bloggers again this year. So, get ready to write up a storm and to take a break every day to learn something about writing, publishing and promoting yourself and your work.
WNFIN isn’t a contest. No one judges you. No one looks over your shoulder or counts your words. That said, sometimes it’s nice to know who is participating…or to add your name to a list of participants so you feel you are being held accountable for starting and finishing your project in the allotted time–30 days.
If you would like to add your name to the list of WNFIN/NaNonFiWriMo 2013 participants, you can do so by adding a comment here.