I started writing this post this morning. Then I had to stop and clean up the house. I came back to my desk and started writing again. Then I had to go make matzoh balls. Then I came back and tried to finish. I got up again to make chicken soup and something called charoset, which involved cutting up a lot of apples. I also set the table. In a few minutes I have to go shower or I won’t be ready when our company comes over.
Why am I telling you all of this? Because I was getting ready for the Jewish holiday of Passover, and my lack of time to write this blog post reminded me that I also should have written a blog post about Passover on my other blog. Why? Because posts about holidays are like evergreen articles in magazines. You can always write another one, and they always garner readers. And they not only bring in readers when you first write them but year after year after year.
So, always take time to write a post about a holiday. Each time you write one, choose a new angle. Tie it into the news. Tie it into your life. Make it fresh and interesting.
Each year, include links to past blog posts about that holiday in your current post on that holiday. That way your readers will know where to go to read similar pieces.
You won’t be sorry. Each year you will see a ton of traffic coming to your website or blog for weeks prior to the holiday. And those same readers may stick around to read your posts the rest of the year as well.