I work with a lot of authors who begin working on a book project because they feel passionate about their subject. Not all of them perceive themselves as writers. Amazingly, the more strongly they feel about their topic or about accomplishing a goal by writing and publishing their book, the more quickly they tend to finish writing.
If you feel stuck or have writer’s block, ask yourself if you’ve lost the passion for your subject. If this is the case, you might need to rekindle your passion by trying to remember why you began the project to begin with. You might need to stop writing briefly and start reading about your subject or get involved in some activity related to your subject matter. Then come back when you are reinvigorated or when you have regained perspective on why you began writing your book in the first place.
Consider if you’ve gotten too concerned about what others will think or about your writing ability or some other technical aspect of your book or the writing process. These issues can, indeed, stop you in your tracks, taking the joy and passion out of the writing process. The Inner Critic or the fear of being judged deter many a writer from finishing a book. Remember that there are editors, proofreaders, designers, etc., to help you turn out a professional product of which you can be proud. There is a great book called What You Think of Me is None of My Business. I think this should be changed to “What you think of my writing and me is none of my business” and should be adopted by every writer as their motto. They would never again suffer from writer’s block, which simply is caused by fear of all sorts, including being judged or criticized.
T0day, rekindle your passion for your writing and watch your productivity increase.