As anyone who has been following this blog may have noticed, I fell down on the job these last two days. I blame it on having too much editing work, too much non-work stuff to handle, too many promotional projects with deadlines I had to meet, a sick kitty, and just too little time in general.
You can imagine, therefore, that not much nonfiction writing has been happening over the last few days. Actually, I’ve been writing this blog when I should have been working on my nonfiction project, but I won’t complain…It’s late (almost 1 a.m.), but I wanted to take just a minute to mention that you can get a lot of writing done in very small time increments. So, don’t let lack of time stop you from getting your project done.
Yesterday I was stuck waiting for my daughter to finish her swim practice. I had planned on working on an editing project for a client while I waited, but traffic was horrendous and I ended up with only 15 minutes to work rather than an hour. Editing at that point was no longer an option. Instead, I worked on my nonfiction writing project. In 15 minutes I managed to write a whole page of copy. (I admit, I’m a fast writer. During NaNoWriMo two years ago, I would write 800 words in about 45 minutes.)
Anyway, I’m writing this short post just to encourage you to write whenever you have a few minutes. You’d be amazed at how much you can get written in a short time, and all those short writing periods add up to a finished project in the end.
That’s it for tonight…or this morning.
(By the way, I wrote this in under 10 minutes.)