Writing Prompt 105
Write your writer’s mission statement.
Nonfiction writers should make it a point to have a written mission statement at their disposal at any given time. Having a mission statement offers two immediate benefits – – it helps the writer define his type of writing to himself and offers readers a good view of the writer’s professional expertise.
Some people talk about a writer’s manifesto, which is a really cool way of writing a personal declaration of being a writer. The writer’s manifesto tells the world that you’re a writer in a fun, bold way. The writer’s mission statement, by contrast, is not emotional at all. Though still a declaration, the mission statement is factual and concise. Think of it as a one or two-sentence resume.
What kind of writer are you? What type of writing do you know how to do? Which writing style is your preference? These are all good things to think about when writing a manifesto.
(To continue reading this post and discover the rest of the writing prompt, click here.)
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