Muddy Sports, Week #4
Welcome to week #4 in our month-long celebration of mud. We have talked about mud and kids, cool mud people, and my favorite, mud and food. Now, it’s time to turn our attention to muddy sports. Your job is to research, write about, and describe five extreme sports.
Creative Idea Gal’s Thoughts
Mud sports are another one of my cool discoveries in this month’s prompts on mud. I was fascinated to learn that there is a huge following of mud sports. Put simply, mud sports are all kinds of sports that are played in mud. What distinguishes mud sports from other sports such as soccer, football, or baseball is the extreme conditions under which the players play. Although regulation games allow players to play sports under certain weather conditions such as light rain or light snow, anything that gets extreme is enough to postpone the game.
Not in mud sports! In mud sports, it is the opposite. The slicker, the muddier, the slimier, the better. And that’s what makes mud sports an extreme sports – – the difficult conditions under which its players play! It is no surprise, then, that the logo for Mud Runs is a gladiator in full combat gear. See below. To participate successfully, you must be willing to endure the many falls, bruises and fatigue that accompany any type of races in mud.
Creative Brainstorming Tips
In order to brainstorm creatively, it is necessary to let your mind wander! You define how much wandering to do and what to do with that information once you deviate from the task you are trying to accomplish. A wandering mind is not always a bad thing, contrary to research.
If you are to complete task A but ideas B, C, and D keep coming up, go ahead and let your mind wander over to alternate ideas. It will satisfy your curiosity and you’ll be able to go back to task A with a fresh mind.
Helpful Resources
The psychologists and popular research all disagree with me! Most say that a wandering mind is a symptom of boredom or unhappiness. If that is true, creativity would be dead. A true creative cannot possibly focus on one thing without being inspired or drawn to something else at the same time. It is that random beauty that makes the stuff of creative brainstorming.
Read what the experts have to say and then you decide.
“…mind-wandering seems to result from feeling bored or unmotivated, it does little to relieve that boredom and may even make us more unhappy or depressed than ever. .” – Dr. Romeo Vitelli, for Psychology Today
“Although we spend up to one-third of our waking lives in this luscious state of “undirected thought,” we often dismiss daydreaming as a sign of procrastination and laziness. But recent brain-imaging research shows that when you’re daydreaming, your brain is actually working pretty hard.” – Siri Carpenter, for Prevention
Writing Prompt 058
Prompt: Describe five extreme sports
- Step 1: Mud runs are one form of extreme sports. Extreme sports have become increasingly popular. It should be a breeze coming up with five!
- Step 2: Pick five extreme sports that interest you and write about them as if you were explaining them to someone who has never seen them before. Are there any celebrities who participate in extreme sports? Do their participation in extreme sports impact the sport in any way?
- Step 3: Describe five extreme sports. Note any special gear that is used, any outfit or safety devices, and weather or location information.
Please be sure to leave comments about this writing prompt. We want to hear from you!
About the Author
Amanda M. Socci, J.D., is a freelance writer with 14 years of experience writing professionally. Socci currently cuts her blogging chops on her personal portfolio blog, the Creative Idea Gal blog, and on an online news site, Mount Vernon Patch. Inspired by Nina Amir’s Write Nonfiction in November writing challenge, she created a unique 10-month training program for and blog visitors.
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