Group Prayer Friday
Perhaps the largest gathering of group prayer in the United States is the annual national day of prayer. Created by a presidential task force, the national day of prayer seeks to encourage persons from all religions to join in prayer one day each year in deference to the understanding that “one nation, under God” represents our country’s religious origins. Your job is to research the national day of prayer and determine whether you plan to participate.
Creative Idea Gal’s Thoughts
I was pretty surprised when I learned about the national day of prayer and its lengthy and interesting history. Despite being a practicing Catholic all my life, I honestly never heard of this event until now! I’m wondering if my lack of knowledge of this event reveals apathy in people in my area or whether I have just missed the boat on current events. In either case, I’m glad I know about it now, because I will know enough to pay attention and do what I can to participate, either as a family or in association with my church. I see it as a wonderfully bold, uniting move.
Helpful Resources
For today’s prompt, I offer:
The official website of the National Day of Prayer.
Food for thought. An alternative viewpoint debating the need to have a national day of prayer.
Writing Prompt 030
- Step 1: Research the national day of prayer. Read the basics and its history.
- Step 2: Start to form an opinion about the national day of prayer. Think about whether you like it and what its benefits are.
- Step 3: Answer the question: Do you plan to participate in the upcoming national day of prayer? Be prepared to discuss your reasons either way. Write! Add definitions and personal perspectives. Suggestion: create your writing in the form of an opinion, essay, blog post, or social media blurb (status update, post, tweet).
- Bonus Step: If you own a blog and wish to share a link to the blog post that contains your response to today’s writing prompt, we welcome your permalink and encourage you to post it as a comment below!
Note: You get major brownie points for fleshing out your writing into rich subparts or adding historical perspectives to your writing.
Please be sure to leave comments about this writing prompt. We want to hear from you!
About the Author
Amanda M. Socci, J.D., is a freelance writer with 14 years of experience writing professionally. Socci currently cuts her blogging chops on her personal portfolio blog, the Creative Idea Gal blog, and on an online news site, Mount Vernon Patch. Inspired by Nina Amir’s Write Nonfiction in November writing challenge, she created a unique 10-month training program for and blog visitors.
Grab the badge of honor and upload it to your blog. Follow the prompts three times a week (M-W-F) right here.
Great post! I had heard of it several times in the past but never really knew when it was. So, May 2nd; now I know, and though I’d like to be praying everyday; perhaps its about remembering to be intentional while encouraging others.
Just subscribed. What a cool thing you’ve going on here! Thanks for what you are doing for writers; including the rookies like me!
Glad you like the writing prompts, Erick! I think the day is about remembering the religious beliefs of the founders of our nation and taking a moment to be grateful–thanking God–no matter our religious tradition. Thanks so much for leaving a comment.
Erick Farrish:
Nina Amir and I are positively tickled to receive your comment. You are just the second person to comment in 3 months. Yay – thank you for taking the time to leave some thoughts! I have been writing these prompts since the first week of January. This is a 10-month training program that is FREE for writers like you.
You stated you are a new writer – fantastic. Regardless of your skill level, I encourage you to complete this writing prompt and post your results back on this page. Your thoughts pertaining to the nat’l day of prayer are completely valid, btw. What you choose to do or not do would be a great thing to address in your nonfiction writing in response to this writing prompt 🙂