Group Prayer Friday
The concept of group prayer fascinates me. What do you think of group prayer? Is it possible for there to be some sort of universal definition of prayer that people can agree upon? For today’s prompt, we delve into one group’s idea of a universal prayer ? the concept of coexistence, which means that it is possible for Jews, Christians, and Muslims to get along. Your job is to answer the question: Do you support the mission of the Coexist Foundation?
Creative Idea Gal’s Thoughts
I’ve been thinking a lot about what it means to support a person or idea. With regards to the concept of coexistence, I prefer to say that “to support” means to understand it, agree with it, like it, and generally be on its side or on the same team. So, if you say you support the concept of coexistence, it is because your mindset is open to believe in it.
I admire any group that purports to bring together into some sort of common denominator or theory three totally viewpoints on loving God. It is difficult when the media slams one religion over another, turning the act of loving God into a political debate. My admiration of the Coexist Foundation is my own unique way of lending support.
Helpful Resources
For today’s prompt, I offer:
The website of Coexist Foundation.
Writing Prompt 027
- Step 1: Research the concept of coexistence as a form of group prayer. What do you think of coexistence? Is it a good concept? Is there some aspect of coexistence that you don’t agree with?
- Step 2: Read the mission statement of the Coexist Foundation. Determine if you agree with it. Be prepared to discuss reasons why you do or do not agree with the mission. Incorporate your own experiences in group prayer as appropriate.
- Step 3: Write! Add definitions and personal perspectives. Suggestion: Draft this writing in the form of an opinion, essay, blog post, or social media blurb (status update, post, tweet).
- Bonus Step: If you own a blog and wish to share a link to the blog post that contains your response to today’s writing prompt, we welcome your permalink and encourage you to post it as a comment below!
Note: You get major brownie points for fleshing out your writing into rich subparts or adding historical perspectives to your writing.
Please be sure to leave comments about this writing prompt. We want to hear from you!
About the Author
Amanda M. Socci, J.D., is a freelance writer with 14 years of experience writing professionally. Socci currently cuts her blogging chops on her personal portfolio blog, the Creative Idea Gal blog, and on an online news site, Mount Vernon Patch. Inspired by Nina Amir’s Write Nonfiction in November writing challenge, she created a unique 10-month training program for and blog visitors.
Grab the badge of honor and upload it to your blog. Follow the prompts three times a week (M-W-F) right here.