Week #4 – Emerging trends in technology
A SAHP is the lesser-known twin of the SAHM (stay-at-home-mom) or SAHD (stay-at-home-dad). Just to simplify things, I broadened the scope of today’s writing prompt to include all parents who stay at home acting as the primary caretakers of the kids while the other spouse works outside of the home. The question for today is somewhat controversial but all the way interesting. Your job is to determine whether it is necessary for SAHPs to keep abreast of technology.
Creative Idea Gal’s Thoughts
The issue of what is right and wrong with the status of parents who choose to work outside of the home versus those who forego a career to raise their kids is a muddled, thorny one. Despite being a proud, voluntary, happy SAHM, I’m quick to acknowledge the compelling need for financial stability which may force some moms to work outside of the home. Today’s prompt is not a flame to that ongoing war, but a unique consideration in the mix of it all.
The parent who works outside of the home has special needs that are vastly different from those who stay home with the kids. The 9-5er might need, for example, an iPhone, bluetooth, iPad, extended service plans, sophisticated web applications and the like in order to do their job well. By contrast, the parent who stays at home all day must deal mostly with domestic issues such as childcare, upkeep of the house, cooking, shopping, and school-related tasks. Really, is it necessary for the SAHP to buy the latest iPhone just to do their job properly? Or are there other considerations worth investigating?
That is your job today, to research, iron out, and write about those considerations.
Tips on How to Spark Creativity in Writing
- Tip #11 – Talk to family and relatives!
For today’s prompt dealing with SAHPs, the related topic of family and relatives is appropriate. Not sure if SAHPs need to keep up with changes in technology? Why not gain a new perspective by talking it over with family and relatives?
The same can be said about sparking creativity in your writing. Stuck on what to write about? Be sure to call your family. Engage in friendly conversation. Be sincere with questions and answers. Everyone’s family is different. I assure you, talking things over with other people is sure to bring out some unique firestarters or comments to get you to write!
Emerging Trends on Twitter
Here is a sampling of yesterday’s emerging trends based on Twitter hashtags:
- #PLL (related: #prettylittleliars, #twisted, #pllchat) (discussion about Pretty Little Liars, a teen drama mystery)
- #Carlos Danger (Former Senator Anthony Weiner allegedly used Carlos Danger as a pseudonym; today, there are parodies about this)
- #followmeash5sos (a plea from drummer Ashton Irwin for Twitter follows)
Writing Prompt 086
Prompt: Discuss whether it is necessary for SAHPs to keep abreast of technology.
- Step 1: If you are a parent, this question should be fairly easy to answer in a detailed writing. If you are not a parent, this is a great opportunity for you to do basic Internet research to learn about SAHP trends.
- Step 2: See if you can understand the difference between the needs and desires of parents who work outside of the home versus those who stay at home caring for the kids. What observations do you make? What conclusions do you draw?
- Step 3: Describe whether it is necessary for SAHPs to keep abreast of technology. The word “necessary” makes this question a loaded one. Include your opinion as to whether necessity is more important than personal desire.
Please be sure to leave comments about this writing prompt. We want to hear from you!
About the Author

Amanda M. Socci – a.k.a. Creative Idea Gal
Amanda M. Socci is the creator of this unique 10-month training program providing writing prompts to nonfiction writers. Amanda is a diehard creative and an aspiring book author, currently blogging a book on faith, A Slice of Faith, on a community website. Visit Amanda’s blog. Follow Amanda on her journey to book publication. Like A Slice of Faith on Facebook.