One of the things that stops writers from publishing their first book revolves around the idea that their first book must be their masterpiece. In fact, most authors publish one or more books before they have a “hit.” That’s why it’s important to simply publish a book.
I’m not saying you should publish shlock. I am saying publish something.
I have a manuscript I produced by accident. I created a program on my other website, Pure Spirit Creations, to drive people to sign up for my mailing list. After a year of writing assignments for this program, I discovered I had the first draft of a manuscript. I’ve just about finished editing it. Now I’m going to give it to an editor and several readers. I’ve even found someone to write the foreword. And I’ve mapped out a self-publishing plan.
No, it’s not my masterpiece. My agent is peddling those. And I’ll self-publish them if they don’t sell traditionally. In the meantime, I’m going to self-publish my first book–and so should you.
Get that first one out of the way. That’s what I say.
And who knows. You could be wrong. It could be a hit.
For as long as you’re satisfied with your self-published work, that’s a masterpiece in itself. Your legacy for life.