Do you feel like you never get started on your dream projects? Your ideas sit there gathering dust? Or maybe you feel you just don’t have any good ideas upon which to take action.
There was a time when I thought I had no good ideas. Then came a time when I had too many good ideas.
Here’s a three-part process for generating ideas and bringing them to fruition:
First, take out some 3 x 5 cards and a box in which to store them. Write down 5-10 ideas for articles, blog posts, books, special reports, videos, information products, whatever…Put them in your box to take action on another day. Do this once a month or add a card whenever a new idea comes to you.
Second, get out your calendar and schedule a minimum of two, preferably four, idea action days. Maybe you choose every Friday or every Monday. These are days when you reach into your box of ideas and pull one out and begin manifesting it. That means you take actionable steps to bring it into reality. Set a deadline for when you will complete it and put it on your to-do list every day from now until then.
Third, when the day comes to begin, get to work bringing that idea into the world!
You’ll be amazed at how quickly you’ll bring many of your ideas into reality with this process. In the course of just one year, you’ll find yourself full of new ideas and extremely productive.
[By the way, a short version of this appeared as two daily tips on my Facebook Page. “Like” the page and you’ll receive 5 tips a week!]
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