There are two types of people: Those who know their purpose in life and those who wish they knew their purpose in life. For the latter, numerous books, podcasts, programs, and courses exist to help them find their purpose.
If you fall into the latter category and would like to know your purpose, call it soul purpose, mission or calling if you like, so you can apply this to your writing, here’s some good news. You can stop searching for it or wondering what it is or spending money trying to decipher it. Instead, of trying to figure out the purpose that has chosen you, choose a purpose to fulfill in this lifetime. Then write articles, essays, blog posts, and books that help you do just that.
Nonfiction Writing Prompt #28: Choose Your Purpose
To complete this prompt, choose a life purpose.
How do you do that? Consider things like:
- How do you want to be known?
- What are your values?
- What’s important to you?
- What do you feel passionate about?
- What interests you?
- What do you care about?
Any one of these queries can lead you to a subject or area that you might pursue as your purpose.
If you think of your purpose as a mission, it becomes a bit easier to choose one. It seems less like a divinely acquired calling or gift, although some people do feel they have these.
Once you’ve chosen a purpose, apply it to your writing. Produce content in any form you like that aligns with that purpose and helps you fulfill it.
Have you chosen a purpose? If so, tell me about it in a comment.
For more information on how to create nonfiction book ideas that are marketable and that support your writing goals, join the NFWU. When you do, you’ll receive this month’s Nonfiction Writers’ University (NFWU) homework assignment, which contains more exercises and information on this topic. Plus, you’ll have access to the growing archive of past homework assignments and NFWU event recordings as well as some introductory gifts worth more than the membership! Members also get additional bonuses during the year.
Next NFWU event: FREE teleseminar on 7/8 at 5 pm PT: The Three Shifts You Need to Make to Succeed as an Author with Rochelle Melander (The Write Now Coach). Register here. (No membership required.)
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