Not too long ago I heard a panel of acquisition editors speak about publishing spiritual books. Here are a few of the things they had to say about the books and authors they are now publishing:
- They want books that are the author’s life purpose.
- They want want authors who have a passion for their subject.
- They want books that are shorter–25,000-50,000 words.
- They want less traditional New Age topics.
- They want more “evergreen” spirituality topics.
- They like books that speak to the difficulties people have (self-help books).
- They want authors who combine expert status with platform.
Hi I am Bandile Nqweniso, a 23 year old South African. I wish to write a book, but the problem is that I don’t know where to find help. Can I be guided through the way.
You can get help from me personally if you want a coach. I offer coaching services. Or sign up for the Nonfiction Writers’ University. It contains a ton of information and has monthly educational and coaching sessions as well as challenges to move you forward. Find out more here:
Hello Nina,
My son has written a spiritual Nonfiction book.
The main insight which led to the creation of this book was about the language of light, which is not to be confused with the actual new age alien sounding language. The language of light is an explanation of how raw energy can have a subjective, immersed holographic experience. The proper understanding of the transposition from universal energy to human experience allows a person to gain insights about the fabric of consciousness.
The estimated length of the book is 118 600 words and the manuscript is ready. The intended market has 3 sub-divisions: 1) the curious non-initiates, 2) the ones interested in the study of mental illness and 3) the initiates who wish to learn more about alchemical practices. The non-initiates would want to buy this book to create the bridge between science and spirituality. The ones interested in mental illness would benefit from the out-of-the-box spiritual perspective about the concept of psychosis. Last but not least, the initiates would buy the book to study the detailed advice provided about enduring initiations of increasing difficulty.
What steps should he take in order to get it published?
He needs to develop a platform, write a book proposal, and send queries to agents…in that order.
Dear Nina,
Can you send me a list of your services. I’m always curious as to why you self published. Might you have some information regarding the pros and cons of self publication? I’ve written serval screenplays and have recently finished a non fiction spiritual book about fathering. Looking for direction.
Gregory Sporleder
I’d be happy to, Gregory. You can find most of my services at
I am motivated to write a self-help life story book about myself as someone who has had a lifelong struggle with mild to moderate depression and struggled to intellectually accept anything more than milk-toast spirituality. Only recently I have been reading the works of Emmet Fox and find him very accessible and pallatable. I am a close-to-retirement academic and have written several academic books myself, however, this book is very personal and about spiritual awakenings along the way. Any suggestions?
Study memoir and fiction so you learn to tell your story. You can also read prescriptive nonfiction to learn how to write self help. Story telling and motivational writing are much different than academic writing.
I have nearly come to the end of writing my book, I have a facebook page with approx 4’000 followers and a blog site, I am just not sure how to go about publishing ensuring I retain as many royalties as possible
Amy, If you self-publish retain all royalty payments. If you publish any other way, you will lose some money to agents and publishers. If you mean retain RIGHTS, it’s really the same. An agent can help you retain more rights if you traditionally publish.
My book is currently at the editors now. It is a book about true accounts of hospice patients before they die
Spiritual books are generally soul-stirring works of literature that aim to fill people with wisdom, healing, mindfulness, and meaning. These books usually talk about such heavy and profound things as spiritual awakening and the Divine Being. If there is one thing that these books need to have in common, it should be accuracy. Spiritual books should always be written accurately in order to avoid spreading deceptions and false teachings that can harm the spiritual well-being of people.
Sounds great!