Many of you know me as the founder of National Nonfiction Writing Month (NaNonFiWriMo), or the Write Nonfiction in November Challenge. You may not realize that I’m also the founder of National Book Blogging Month (NaBoBloMo), a similar challenge that involves blogging a nonfiction book in a month, which takes place in April.
Why would you want to blog a book in a month? For all the reasons I’ve written about on and in my book, How to Blog a Book. The main reason to blog a book, of course, is because you can write, publish and promote your book at the same time. You want to blog a book in a month because 30 days after you start you have the first draft (or possibly the second or third draft) of an ebook you can publish. That means that just about one month from now, you could call yourself an author.
Blog Your Way to Authorship in 30 Days
You see, you can produce a blogged ebook with a short series of posts. In fact, a full-length blogged book is comprised of many series of posts—one per chapter. For a short, blogged-book-in-a-month project, pick one topic (like one chapter) and break it down into post-sized bits. Then write and publish those posts over the course of the month.
When you finish, revise the manuscript you have created—assuming you wrote the posts in Scrivener or Word and copied them into WordPress, and get it edited.
Once the editing is done, you need a great book cover, a book description, and an appropriately formatted document you can load up to Kindle and (Do not use the Kindle Select program if you are blogging a book.)
There are no bells and whistles for NaBoBloMo. It’s a self-motivated challenge, which means you decide to take the challenge and you follow through on that commitment. You can comment on this post or on a similar one that will publish tomorrow at State your intention and say you are “in.” Then read the posts at, which are meant to inform and inspire those blogging books during April.
When you are done, you will know how to blog many more books. In fact, you can turn your blog into a book production machine.
Read How to Blog a Book
Of course, another great thing to do during NaBoBloMo is to read How to Blog a Book. It’s filled with great information to inspire and educate you about blogging books.
Which brings me to a BIG announcement…
I am proud to announce that this June 2015, Writer’s Digest Books will release the revised and expanded second edition of How to Blog a Book. (It is now available for preorder!)
Although I was proud of the first edition, I’m even more proud of the second edition. This book is the most-comprehensive guide to bogging a book or booking a blog available today. Besides the great information contained in the first edition of How to Blog a Book—information on how to consciously set out to write a book on your blog—the book now contains an entire chapter for bloggers who want to repurpose existing blog content into a book, content not written with a book in mind.
Plus, I’ve updated all the technical blogging information, included more ways to go blog to book, and added four blog-to-book success stories. (The previous success stories were all from bloggers who booked their blogs.)
How to Blog a Book, the expanded and revised second edition, provides all the information you need to:
- start a blog
- blog a book
- book a blog
- promote your blog and book
- build a business around your blog
More and more authors and bloggers choose to use their blogs as a means to write books and to self-publish them. And agents and publishers continue to consider high-traffic blogs as successfully test marketed book ideas. The blog-to-book trend has never dwindled.
The Reviews are In!
Here are some early reviews for the revised and expanded second edition of How to Blog a Book:
“If you always wanted to write that next book, but only have time to blog, then read Nina’s book! You too can become an author.”
—Michael Stelzner, Founder of Social Media Examiner, Author of Launch.“If you dread the thought of starting or maintaining a blog, and balancing it with the stresses of writing a book, How to Blog a Book could well be the most valuable book you’ve discovered this year. Nina Amir gives you a toolbox of shortcuts, tricks and workarounds that will save you money, time and sanity. Follow her easy-to-understand guide (even for non-techies!) and you’ll create a blog your fans love and a book that they’ll promote for you.”
—Joan Stewart, The Publicity Hound,“Nina Amir shows you—no, actually implores you—to write your book on your blog in a painless, effortless way. Learn ‘how’ and ‘why’ you ‘can’ and ‘should’ write your book from your blog posts. How to Blog a Book 2nd Edition provides the road map to go from publishing a blog to publishing YOUR BOOK.”
—Scott Lorenz, Westwind Book Marketing,“If you’re wondering how you are going to bend time to build your platform and write a book, wonder no more, you can do both. Nina Amir shows you how in this inspiring step-by-step with easy-to-follow procedures, actionable tasks, tips and technology recommendations. Even if you don’t plan to blog a book, the material empowers you to author a more effective blog and streamline your writing process. Bets are you’ll end up with a book, after all.”
—Carla King, Self-Pub Boot Camp“Blook is a common publishing term where a writer creates a book from blog posts. Nina Amir provides the step-by-step wisdom to show any writer how to pull it off. Get this valuable resource.”
—W. Terry Whalin, Author of Jumpstart Your Publishing Dreams and more than 60 books, Acquisitions Editor at Morgan James Publishing“I look at myself as a blogger, not a writer, but with Nina’s book I now have a formula for writing that book! How to Blog a Book provides a simple process for turning your blog content into a book, and Nina does an excellent job of breaking the process into simple steps that anyone can follow.”
—Ian Cleary, Founder,“Whether you plan to consciously blog a full-length book start to finish, repurpose existing blog content into a book, or blog multiple series and turn the posts into ebooks, How to Blog a Book has all the information you’ll ever need to accomplish your goal. It’s a book on blogging for authors and on authorship for bloggers.”
—Penny C. Sansevieri, CEO of Author Marketing Experts and Adjunct Professor at NYU
If you are looking for the ultimate “blogging-for-authors” book or “authoring-for bloggers” book, you want a copy of the revised and expanded second edition of How to Blog a Book.
Watch this blog and my newsletter for news about the release. To address requests for continuing education around blogging books and to solve some technical issues related to this process, I plan to develop several new products, courses and services in conjunction with the release of How to Blog a Book (2nd Ed.). If you want to be the first to hear about these opportunities, join my blog and blog-to-book mailing list.
In the meantime, if you want help blogging your book or booking your blog, take advantage of my March Madness special. Save $200 on my blog coaching services if you sign up this month using this link before the end of the month: