If you want to write commercial books that sell well, you must develop ideas that add enormous value to readers’ lives. That means turning away from why you want to write a book, and your purpose, which we discussed in the last nonfiction writing prompt, and toward your readers needs and wants.
It’s time to develop book ideas that support readers, not you. Hopefully, you can come up with some ideas that also support you and your goals as well.
Nonfiction Writing Prompt #11: Create Book Ideas with Reader Value
To complete this prompt, you must create 3-5 (more if you like) nonfiction book ideas that address your ideal reader’s needs or wants.
First, describe your ideal reader’s:
- needs
- wants
- questions
- problems
- pains
- challenges
- goals
If I wanted to write a book for people who had left their religion of birth behind in search of some other form of spiritual practice, for instance, it might look like this (click to enlarge):
For each one of these categories or issues, then brainstorm book ideas that would address the issues. Here’s an example of what that might look like, although I’ve only completed this exercise for a few categories (click to enlarge):
Next, brainstorm tentative titles for the books and see if you can write a pitch.
Were you able to develop ideas that serve your readers? Tell me in a comment below.
For more information on how to create nonfiction book ideas that are marketable and that support your writing goals, join the NFWU. When you do, you’ll receive this month’s Nonfiction Writers’ University (NFWU) homework assignment, which contains more exercises and information on this topic. Plus, you’ll have access to the growing archive of past homework assignments and NFWU teleseminars as well as some introductory gifts worth more than the membership! Join here at the low introductory rate!
February NFWU Teleseminar: 2/18/14 @ 12 pm PT – “How to Mind Map Your Nonfiction Book Before You Begin to Write” with Book Coach Roger Parker. Learn more about the event here and reserve your spot. (Members also get recordings of the events, access to the forum, bonus products, and more…) Learn about the benefits of membership when you click here.
Image credit: alhovik / 123RF Stock Photo