This is a list of all the prompts created by Amanda M. Socci for the “I Know I Can” WNFIN training program. You can start in January and take the training before the next WNFIN challenge in November, or you can start at any time during the year…or just pick and choose the prompts that speak to you. Feel free to drop your completed prompts into a comment at the end of the post/prompt.
- 18 Things You Need to Know About Publishing a Book
- 15 Productivity Tips for Nonfiction Writers
- Visualization Tools for a 30-day Writing Challenge
- A Whole-Brain Approach to Nonfiction Writing
- 4 Ways to Prepare for a 30-Day Writing Challenge
- Master the 6 Pillars of High-Performance Writing
- 10 More Ways to Become a High-Performance Writer
- Writing Prompt: Is it Fair for a Contender to Drop Out of a Presidential Race?
- Writing Prompt: What Makes People Vie for Presidential Bids?
- Writing Prompt: What Qualities Make a Great U.S. President?
- Writing Prompt: What Traits are Needed for a Top Presidential Advisor?
- Writing Prompt: Do You Think Smear Campaigns are Effective?
- Writing Prompt: Should Food Stamps Undergo Congressional Reform?
- Writing Prompt: Describe What is Meant by a Congressional Bipartisan Resolution
- Writing Prompt: Has the Federal Government Shutdown Affected You?
- Writing Prompt: What’s the Real Purpose of Having a Military Presence in Foreign Countries?
- Writing Prompt: Is it Fair to Include Social Security Benefits in the Debt-Ceiling Debate?
- Writing Prompt: Which is Better for the U.S. Economy—Raising the Debt Ceiling or Paying Off Debt?
- Writing Prompt: Did the Federal Government Have Valid Reasons to Shut Down?
- Final 13 Nonfiction Writing Prompts: Write About Politics
- Writing Prompt: Research, List, Describe Target Markets for Online Writing
- Writing Prompt: Research, List, Describe Target Markets for Offline Writing.
- Writing Prompt: Identify Positives and Motivating Factors.
- Writing Prompt: Identify Negatives, Shortcomings, and Address Them.
- Writing Prompt: Describe your Enthusiasm and Preferences in Topics.
- Writing Prompt: List and Describe your Weaknesses, Learning Needs.
- Writing Prompt: List and Describe your Strengths and Expertise.
- Writing Prompt: Write or Modify Your Comprehensive Skills, Talents
- Writing Prompt: Write or Modify Your List of Personal Interests.
- Writing Prompt: Write or Modify Your Professional Resume.
- Writing Prompt: Compose Your Writer’s Mission Statement
- Writing Prompt: Write Your Writer’s Mission Statement
- Writing Prompt: Write Your Professional (Business) Biography
- Writing Prompt: Marathon Training Continues with September Theme, Prompt
- Writing Prompt: Profile Bloggers Emily McClements, Gina Lincicum, Charlene Haugsven
- Writing Prompt: Profile Bloggers Pawlik-Kienlen, Joy, Cipressi, Lundquist, and Rubin
- Writing Prompt: Profile Bloggers Knight, Filian, Riter, Moll, and Wakeman
- Writing Prompt: Profile Your Favorite Standout Blogger
- Writing Prompt: Profile Standout Blogger Nina Amir
- Writing Prompt: Profile Standout Blogger Kiril Kundurazieff
- Writing Prompt: Profile Bloggers Sam Kemp-Jackson, Jamie Meteer, Anne Kimball, J.D. Bailey.
- Writing Prompt: Profile Bloggers Stelzner, Brinker, Klems, and Miller
- Writing Prompt: Profile Bloggers Steel, Young, Stafford, and Jordan
- Writing Prompt: Profile Photojournalists Black, Roth, Sumin, Romero.
- Writing Prompt: Profile Brainiacs Martilla, Nash, Hudgins, Young, and Rose
- Writing Prompt: Profile Foodies Michael Lee West, Tara Kuczykowski, Robyn Stone
- Writing Prompt: Writing Marathon Training Recap and Theme
- Writing Prompt: Describe 5 Sources that Track T.V. Shows
- Writing Prompt: List Five Reasons Why it’s Good to Follow T.V. Trends
- Writing Prompt: E-mail good for following technology emerging trends?
- Writing Prompt: Necessary for SAHPs to Keep Abreast of Technology?
- Writing Prompt: Describe the Legacy of Steve Jobs
- Writing Prompt: List 10 Emerging Trends Spotted by Bellamkonda
- Writing Prompt: Observe and Note Bellamkonda’s Patterns of Activity
- Writing Prompt: Profile Emerging Trends Leader Shashi Bellamkonda
- Writing Prompt: List Five Retailers that Feature Pop Culture in Packaging
- Writing Prompt: List Your Favorite Pop Culture Content Curators
- Writing Prompt: Define the Term ‘Meme’ within Pop Culture
- Writing Prompt: Who are the Thought Leaders of Emerging Trends?
- Writing Prompt: List Reasons Why You Should Follow Emerging Trends
- Writing Training Continues with July Theme and Prompt
- Writing Prompt: Express Emotions About Connick Jr.’s Miss New Orleans
- Writing Prompt: Express Emotions About Marc Cohn’s Walking in Memphis
- Writing Prompt: Express Emotions About Lady Gaga’s Edge of Glory
- Writing Prompt: Express Emotions About King and Taylor’s So Far Away
- Writing Prompt: Express Emotions About Paul McCartney’s Maybe I’m Amazed
- Writing Prompt: Express Emotions About Commodores’ Three Times a Lady
- Writing Prompt: Express Emotions About Liberace’s Boogie Woogie
- Writing Prompt: Express Emotions About Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody
- Writing Prompt: Express Emotions About Little Richard’s Good Golly, Miss Molly
- Writing Prompt: Express Emotions About Alicia Keys’ Fallin’
- Writing Prompt: Express Emotions About Billy Joel’s All for Leyna
- Writing Prompt: Training Continues with Piano Interpretation Theme and Prompt
- Writing Prompt: Write About Five Unpredictable Moments in Nature
- Writing Prompt: Write About the Meaning of Five Inspirational Songs
- Writing Prompt: Write About Five Relatable Pop Culture Moments
- Writing Prompt: Write About Five Unique Fundraising Activities
- Writing Prompt: Describe Five Positive Uses for Four-Wheel Drive Vehicles
- Writing Prompt: Describe Five Extreme Sports
- Writing Prompt: Write about Five Variations of a Chicken and Rice Dish
- Writing Prompt: Write About Five Foods with Regional Names
- Writing Prompt: Write Descriptions of Five Food Misnomers
- Writing Prompt: Write a Profile About Blogger Muddy Kinzer
- Writing Prompt: Write about the History of the Names of Five Music Bands
- Writing Prompt: Define Musical Influence and Describe Five Artists
- Writing Prompt: Describe Five Old-fashioned Games that Kids Play Outside
- Writing Marathon Training Continues with Mud Theme and Prompt
- Writing Prompt: Track Your Social Media Experiments in a Blog!
- Writing Prompt: Provide an Opinion on Engaging to Benefit Others
- Writing Prompt: Provide an Opinion on Engaging for Your Benefit
- Writing Prompt: Define Social Media Engagement Based on Personal Experiences
- Writing Prompt: Write Detailed, Thoughtful Blog Comments
- Writing Prompt: Attempt to Blog a Book During April’s NaBoBloMo Event!
- M is for Magnificient Writing Prompt: Personal Blogging Experiences
- Writing Prompt: Write and Upload Your Resume on LinkedIn
- Writing Prompt: Chart Progress with Twitter Lurking and Research Tasks
- Writing Prompt: Evaluate the Strengths and Weaknesses of Facebook
- Writing Prompt: Determine the Success of Your Social Media Experiments
- Writing Prompt: Define Social Media Experiments
- WNFIN Training Continues with Social Media Experiments Theme and Prompt
- Writing Prompt: Give an Opinion of Pope Francis’ Holy Thursday Ritual
- Writing Prompt: Practice Spontaneous Prayer!
- Writing Prompt: Express Gratitude for 100 Things in a Thanksgiving Prayer
- Writing Prompt: What is the Difference Between Communal and Private Worship?
- Writing Prompt: Do You Add Prayer Requests to the Prayer Basket?
- Writing Prompt: Are Your Prayers of Petition Granted?
- Writing Prompt: Will You Participate in the National Day of Prayer?
- Writing Prompt: How Do You Feel About Confession?
- Writing Prompt: Do You Offer Intercessory Prayers for Others?
- Writing Prompt: Do You Support the Mission of the Coexist Foundation?
- Writing Prompt: Explore and Review the Gospel Singing Approach to Prayer
- Writing Prompt: Do You Recite Form Prayers?
- “I Know I Can” WNFIN Training Continues with Prayer Theme and Prompt
- Writing Prompt: Interpret Maya Angelou’s A Prayer for Peace
- Writing Prompt: Write about Words found in
- Writing Prompt: Write About African American Inventors and their Inventions
- Writing Prompt: Write about Dr. Maya Angelou’s Recent Business Venture
- Writing Prompt: Define Rap Music By Considering its History and Current Styles
- Writing Prompt: Compare how HUSL Achieved Objectives from 1869-2013
- Writing Prompt: Write about Your Favorite Dr. Maya Angelou Inspirational Quotes
- Writing Prompt: Define One Form of African American Dialect
- Writing Prompt: Compare Slavery Timeline with Emancipation Proclamation
- Writing Prompt: Answer the Question – Why Does a Caged Bird Sing?
- Writing Prompt: Write about Nick Cannon and Mariah Carey’s Moniker for their Twins
- WNFIN Training Continues with Black History Month Theme and Prompt
- Writing Prompt: Write a Review of the January Jones Fansite
- Writing Prompt: Describe Your Reaction to Tim Tebow’s Action on the Field
- Writing Prompt: Write about a Catchphrase from MTV’s Newlyweds: Nick and Jessica
- Writing Prompt: Focus on January Jones’ Western Movie Costume
- Writing Prompt: Write a Movie Review of a Lindsay Lohan Movie
- Writing Prompt: Describe a Dancer and Dance Style from Hollywood’s Golden Age
- Writing Prompt: Promote Native Peoples from January Jones’ Birth State
- Writing Prompt: Describe the Duchess of Cambridge’s Medical Issues
- Writing Prompt: Pick a Celebrity Quote and Write About It
- Writing Prompt: Create an Ad Campaign Based on January Jones’ Show
- Writing Marathon Training Begins with Pop Culture Theme and Prompt
- Introducing: “I Know I Can” WNFIN 10-Month Training Program
- “I Know I Can” WNFIN 10-Month Training Program Basics
- How to Prepare for November 2013’s Nonfiction Writing “Marathon”